Advanced Light Worker Continuums
Support for Pandemic Experience in God Conscious Support Systems
Live with Quan Yin,
As embodied by Laura Lee Lizak

Weekly, Thursdays July 2 thru August 20, 2020.
5:30 to 7:30 pm Pacific
6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain
7:30 to 9:30 pm Central
8:30 to 10:30 pm Eastern
By teleconference only.
Recordings available.
We are changing everything these days.
We are planetizing all of our powers into conscious support systems for our Earth.
Quan Yin is offering an 8-class weekly transformational consciousness structuring for Advance Lightworkers during the time our world is rebuilding itself into enlightened support structures. We as lightworkers are so very important right now, and this group is so incredibly powerful! Let us collaborate in our greatest powers and create an Earth experience that is beyond our highest imaginings. Quan Yin will support us in this transformation, and give us the support we need to create what we want for our planet. Let us power up together to create transformation in every experience. Amma.
This group is open to all those who have been with us in our Advanced Intensives,
and select new members, with Quan Yin’s nod of approval.
If you would love to join us and were not in our Intensives, please call us for a chat.
505 670-0714

Quan Yin says this about this course:
“We are involved in connections to Source that are beyond our capacities to comprehend right now.
All of the people on this planet are shifting, all together right now. No one is outside of this, and everyone is transforming continuously. It all powers itself up. It all enlightens continuously. Never was there power as there is at this time. Never was there a time when the power was so shifted into consciousness as it is right now. So, powering up is easier than ever. Never before has there been such transformation, such God-consciousness, such magnificent support in all experiences. Never has there been such magnificence together, in all experiences. Notice the shifts that you are creating for yourselves, in this magnificent support. There is God-consciousness everywhere in every experience.
You are going to be very very exciting in this magnificent support structure.
You are going to open portals that are transformational for all beings. You are going to even out the hardships. You are going to energize the experience of consciousness on this planet. You are going to give support to all beings in such a manor, that everyone is enlightening continuously.
You are going to give support to yourself. You are going to manage your powers to create transformation in every experience. You are going to accelerate your God-conscious support structures, and give yourself transformational constructs in every experience. You are going to give interesting examples of consciousness to the Earth, in every experience. You are going to planetize your own energy systems, and give this transformation out to all beings. And you are going to know yourself as a power structure creator, that magnifies enlightened support for everyone.
We will magnify transformation continuously together, in every experience, and transform the Earth is such consciousness, that all beings are easily accelerating together in God-Conscious support. And we all power up, and magnify this support, and challenge ourselves to transform, and give help to each other, and give support to the planet, and place ourselves in the consciousness of Source, and planetize this power, and let it all be powerful together. Amma.”

Join together with Quan Yin and magnificently powerful
Advanced LightWorkers to create:
Everyone in the course accelerating transformation together.
Everyone continuously connecting Source into every experience on this Earth.
Everyone continuously supporting each other.
Everyone continuously enlightening each other.
Everyone continuously accelerating transformation in every experience.
Everyone transforming all of the beings on the planet.
Everyone living up to the powerful opportunities that are available right now.
Everyone giving the support to the world that is needed right now.
Everyone supporting all of the power structures that are creational forces.
Everyone giving the support that is needed in every experience.
Everyone supporting transformation all of the time.
No one outside of this picture.
We are transformational together!!!
Quan Yin urges you to give this glorious gift to yourself and to our world.
"I do not have the words to express my gratitude and love for these classes...We are the GODS in action! The love and power that expresses through Laura and her channeling is so~~PURE~~and filled with such light. What a great service we are doing for the planet together!"-- Long Island, Creation Lecturer, Teacher, Practitioner
"The most advanced energy work I have ever experienced. Simply miraculous!"
--Hawaii, Light Body Author and Practitioner
"The classes are amazing! I am awed by the changes I feel in my body, my heart,
my thinking, my work, and the world. Bless you for offering this divinity." -- Dallas, Holistic Practitioner, Author
What a difference it makes to be this powerful!!!
How powerful we are together! Amma!
Two payments of $150 per 4 classes, or $275 for all 8 classes.
Reduced Tuition option:
Two payments of $125 per 4 classes, or $225 for all 8 classes.
If you would love to join us, and have not been with us in an Advanced Intensive,
Please call us for a chat, to see if this is a good fit for you.
505 670-0714
Please pay directly thru to Please check “friends and family”
Quan Yin and I are so looking forward to creating this magnificence with you!!
Support 505 670-0714 for info & assistance.
Payment Option 1: By Paypal or Credit Card
Pay with credit card or paypal directly through
In paypal, please press "send money", and then please click on"friend or family member."
Payment Option 2: By Check
Send check made out to Laura Lizak 49 Redstone Drive Sedona AZ 86336
If paying by check, please call us directly to register at 505 670-0714, and email us at