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Quan Yin's Event Recordings Available for Your Transformation

Quan Yin' recordings are of powerful events that allow transformation to occur in all beings.
You will transform in the process of experiencing these powerful connections to Source.
Your body will align the power, and support everyone's transformation.
Thank you for your enlightened support for our planetary awakening! Amma.


Join Quan Yin live for this Grand Celebration of our 5D Transformation
into New Powers and Possibilities-
Enlightening Each Other Continuously!

Equinox Celebration & Grand Cosmic Ignition
A Grand Time of Support for All Beings
Thursday March 21, 2019

We have Graduated as a Planet!
Join Quan Yin for a Celebration of our New Reality-
Encompassing all parts of our New Structures of Consciousness!

Quan Yin say this is her favorite event that we ever created!
The Portalized Experience of Transforming the Earth
Including Each Other in Power

Sunday February 24, 2019

Light Forces Activation of Enlightened Support for All Beings
Transforming the Planet Continuously
Monday January 21, 2019

Join Beloved Quan Yin for the Divine Support of the Winter Solstice Portal
impulsing transformation into your body and our reality.

Winter Solstice Ignition of Portals:
Finding Your Power In Transformation
Friday December  21, 2018

A magnificent portal of Enlightened Support from the Enlightened Masters,
the Benevolent Forces of Creation, and the Energy Systems of the Earth
was opened for 48 hours to create this event.

Enlightening Each Other Continuously
Supporting Everyone's Transformation
 Sunday October 7, 2018


We joined together in the Equinox Portal to realize and integrate
these shifts into a new world of enlightened power, support, and creation.

Fall Equinox Friday September 22,
and Thursdays September 28, October 5 & 12, 2017

Quan Yin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Attend Any or All Events in this Series   
Attend In Person in Sedona     Or by Teleconference    Or listen to Recordings Online

Solar Eclipse Global Unity Ignition 
August 21, 2017
QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak

Join Quan Yin live for a magnificently powerful planetary experience:
Powering Up the Planet in Enlightened Support
All Enlightenment Occurring~~All Transformation Occurring
QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak

Thursday July 27, 2017
Listen to the recording free!

Special Summer Solstice Ignition:
Source Powers Igniting Through Everyone's Bodies
Wednesday June 21, 2017
Leveling Out Consciousness Into Every Experience
QuanYin channeled in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak


Wesak Enlightenment
Intergalactic Enlightenment Connection
Igniting Enlightenment for All Beings

QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak
Thursday May 11, 2017

Each Person Enlightening Each Other
Enlightenment Connecting in Each Person's Bodies
Live with Quan Yin as channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Life Force Activating in Everyone's Bodies
Portals Awakening for Everyone
Live with Quan Yin as channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Sunday, April 2, 2017

In this powerful timeframe, magnificent and supportive waves of enlightenment are washing into our Earth experience.
Join Quan Yin live to experience this powerful enlightened support grounding through your body.
Your body will be transformed in the process of enlightening the Earth.

Portalizing the Planet to Enlighten All Beings
With Quan Yin live as channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Joining All Beings in Connection
Enlightening Each Other in Support and Excitement

Join Quan Yin and the Enlightened Support System to align magnificent new possibilities into this Earth.
4 Waves of Enlightened Support Grounding into All Beings
With All Planets Direct

With Quan Yin as channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak

Tuesday January 24, 2017

Join us for the rare collaborative treat of
Quan Yin joining forces with her powerful Advanced Group of Enlighteneers,
YOU, and many powerful enlightening beings for

Winter Solstice Portal Awakening

Quan Yin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Wednesday December 21, 2016
Aligning Enlightened Support into the Power Structures of this Earth

Monday, November 28, 2016
11:11 Stargate Ignition
Enlightening All Beings Continuously
Channeling Enlightened Support Thru to all Experiences


Friday, November 11, 2016

Recorded Friday October 21, 2016

Say YES to Powering Up Everything You Want to Create:
Manifesting Your Power
What to Give to the Earth that is Exciting for Your Body

Recorded Saturday October 8, 2016

Classic QuanYin Activations and Class Series:


Ignition of Divinity
In Accelerated Creative Connection
1.5 hours

QuanYin and the Forces of Creation invite you to gloriously ignite in your Divinity. This is an ecstatic, physical experience.

Our world is accelerating dramatically. Our lives are altered and accelerated in these new energies. We each have tremendous new power in our bodies. We have new capacities to create what we want in our world. We are in support of each other. We are all accelerating together. It is time to receive the gifts available to us in this accelerated state of mass consciousness. It is time to invite all into human Divinity.

QuanYin States: You are involved in creating new dimensional structures here. It is you, in this body, that allows for this to occur, for all beings. It is time to be more powerful than ever. It is important to carry this Divine aspect of yourself in full embodiment at this time. Take this time to join us; to create this important aspect of consciousness. It is easy to be in Divine aspects of consciousness; It is easier than hurting another; easier than hurting yourself. Take the time to join us in Divine Connection. Ignite yourself in this Divine accomplishment....

Join us to ignite this Divinity for all beings!


Ignition of Support Systems
In Accelerated Creative Connection
1.5 hours

Quan Yin and the Forces of Creation ecstatically invite you to ignite in an ecstatic, powerful, physical experience that we tangibly extend to all in our reality...

Our bodies and our lives are now in constant access of higher dimensional frequencies. Our lives are altered and accelerated in these new energies. We each have tremendous power in our bodies. It is time to help each other: to create the structures necessary for all beings to experience these powers, to allow us all to move into our Divine human potential.

QuanYin States: A support system is needing to ignite in the support of this acceleration. Openings will occur for all beings to have enjoyment in their bodies. There will be new energies that come through to all beings in this support system. We will ignite in each other these powers. We will experience tremendous excitement together. We will all be accelerated in the process of igniting this reality in connection with each other.

Join us to ignite this support system for all beings!


11:11 Ignition and Celebration
Igniting All Experiences in Enlightened Connection

2 hours

On November 4th, 2008, we ignited in mass enlightenment in our reality. Join QuanYin in our 11:11 ignition to launch our Golden Age with such grace and power, that all beings are experiencing this excitement together! Celebrate mass enlightenment, accelerate this global empowerment, and take our next steps as an enlightened populous. Together we infuse All Experiences in this Enlightened Connection.

Join us to ignite all experiences in enlightened connection for all beings!

Ignition of Financial Structures of Enlightenment
Supporting Accelerated Creative Connection
1.5 hours

"Real wealth is knowing what to do with energy. -Buckminster Fuller
At this time of great transition, let us come together in great creation, power and support. QuanYin and the Forces of Creation invite you to ignite Accelerated Creative Force Connection to align our reality into our highest possible experience. Together we will release trauma, negativity, and disruptions. We will extend these powerful creational energies to all beings, all situations, and all developments in our world. In connection, in ignition, we create our new structures, our new reality, our Golden Age!
QuanYin states:
We ignite together to create excitement and acceleration, to support experiences of creation, and all of the things we are in need of at this time. Let us give to each other this excitement and this power. Let us support enlightenment together. Give this to your reality. Align in this power; celebrate in this power. Allow all beings to give this energy to each other. And support, support this accelerated creative connection.

Ignition of Financial Structures of Enlightenment with QuanYin is a powerful, ecstatic, physical experience that affects all beings and all support systems in this reality. 

Ignitions of Enlightened Partnership
4 class series  Purchase single classes or entire series. Each recording is about 2 hours. 

Join Beloved QuanYin, as Taoist Master, to ignite the powerful possibilities of enlightened partnership.  If you are wishing to create a partnership, this will help your enlightened partner to emerge. If you are currently in partnership, this will deeply enrich your power, experience, and consciousness together.

You will experience and direct dynamic energy forces between you and your partner (physical or etheric), that allow your bodies to shift into higher consciousness together. You will use the energetics of enlighten partnership for support, healing, manifestation, and planetary consciousness raising. If you so desire, you will experience divine mergence with the light body of your partner, and transform in the power of this mergence.

QuanYin States:
"There are many powers available in a partnership of enlightened support. There are many levels of consciousness that are needing to ground into this reality right now. You are in need of partners to create the power that is needed at this time. If we come together in consciousness, it is important we give each other enlightenment, to create the potent support needed. If you are in a partnership and would like to give it more power, or if you would prefer to create a new one, we have lots of help for you in this class. And we will have a lot of enlightened fun!"


"Enlightened partnership work with QuanYin was so powerful, it actually felt transfiguring! I could hardly believe the energy running through, from, and to me from a partner in spirit! I am truly amazed at the opening in my body, my being, my power. The energy dynamics were astounding; far beyond tantra; I had no idea the incredible power available in Divine partnership. And this all happened without me having a physical partner! Thank you, masterful QuanYin, for honoring us with this experience!---L.O.L. Big Island, Hawaii.

Join us for this powerful enlightenment!

Purchase four class series or individual classes:

All 4 Ignitions of Enlightened Partnership, Recorded April 2009.
$85.00 for Series (file size is about 128 MB so please be patient when downloading)

Ignition #1: April 9: Enlightening Each and Every Experience in this Reality
$25.00 Each

Ignition #2: April 16: Enlightening in Connection With Another Person
$25.00 Each

Ignition #3: April 23: Giving Enlightenment To All Beings Through Your Partnership
$25.00 Each

Ignition #4: April 30: Enlightening This Reality Together
$25.00 Each

Creation in Enlightened Partnership
4 class series recorded May 2009. Purchase single classes or entire series. Each recording is about 2 hours 

In this time of accelerated creation, more power than ever is grounding into our bodies. Creating in Enlightened Partnership brings us into unprecedented possibilities of consciousness, energy, and support. Join Beloved QuanYin, Taoist Master, to ignite the powerful possibilities of enlightened creation in partnership. If you are wishing to create a partnership, this system will allow your partner to connect with you. If you are currently in partnership, this will dramatically accelerate your creational power together.

You will experience and explore powerful connection with an enlightened partner (on the etheric level). You will create and direct dynamic energy forces between you and your etheric partner, that allow your bodies to shift into accelerated creational experiences together. You will use these energetics to create much power for support, healing, manifestation, visioning, and planetary ascension. You will experience light/source body connections with the light/source body of your partner, and support each other in this power. You will give empowerment to all beings through your partnership. And it is great fun!

QuanYin States:
"There will be so much power in Enlightened Partnership that you will not know what to do with it; allow us to give your body experience in how to work with this power. You will see that you are more powerful than you can imagine, and that there is more energy available to each person in a partnership than if you are apart. It is easier to create in connection at this time. There is far more energy available to those who have this kind of connection. There is much you can do to give this energy out to all beings. There is ease and grace in this process. I would like to ignite this energy in all the ones who choose to be a part of this circle. If you would like to enlighten this world in this partnership support system, please come to this work and see what you can give to this reality."

Create powerful enlightenment!

Purchase four class series or individual classes:

All 4 Ignitions of Creation in Enlightened Partnership, Recorded May 2009.
$85.00 (file size is about 110 MB so please be patient when downloading)

Ignition #1: May 7: Enlightenment in Accelerated Creative Force
$25.00 Each

Ignition #2: May 14: Supporting Enlightenment in All Experiences Through Your Partnership
$25.00 Each

Ignition #3: May 21: Supporting Each Other in Enlightenment
$25.00  Each

Ignition #4: May 28: All Support Systems Igniting Through Your Partnership
$25.00 Each

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