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We have Graduated as a Planet!
Join Quan Yin for a Celebration of our New Reality-
Encompassing all parts of our New Structures of Consciousness!
Quan Yin say this is her favorite event that we ever created!
It is going to be far more powerful than any other we have done.
Join us live for a magnificent day of continuous transformation.
Dear Magnificent Enlighteneers,
The total Lunar Eclipse of January 21, 2019 was a hugely successful, Earth changing Event.
The Cosmic Central Sun / Source of the I AM,
aligned with the Pleiades, Sirius, and multiple planetary bodies to create a grand T-Square.
This allowed the Cosmic Central Sun to send a huge pulse of Light throughout the whole of Creation.
This pulse is said to have triggered the final release of all support for disruption from Creation
and the beginning of a new cosmic cycle of continuous Enlightened Support.
With the collaboration of over 432,000 lightworkers grounding these energies,
this grand impulse of enlightened support from the Source of Consciousness has been infusing into all parts of our reality.

We graduated as a planet.
We have moved from an evolutionary phase of resistance and duality,
into a phase of creating magnificence together.
This new evolutionary experience is about us creating our transformation into 5th dimensional structure.
It's time to be having a whole lot of 5D Creative FUN!
It's time to let our old troubles fall by the wayside.
It is time to discover our true experience of consciousness,
and create our transformation in magnificent support of each other.
This is a new reality, with new structures, new consciousness, new platitudes of creation.
There is plenty to experience and celebrate.
Quan Yin is offering a powerful creational event
to learn the magnificent structures of this new reality,
support each other in these powers,
share our Source energies,
and enlighten each and every part of our experience.
The Portalized Experience of Transforming the Earth
Including Each Other in Power

Quan Yin is channeled live in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Sunday February 24, 2019
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or listen to Recordings Online
In Person in Sedona: 1:45 to 8 pm
By Phone: 1 to 7 Pacific Time 2 to 8 pm Arizona & Mountain
3 to 9 pm Central 4 to 10 pm Eastern 11 am to 5 pm Hawaii
This is our most comprehensive tele-seminar to date!
We will take a 45 min break midway point
and other short breaks.
More event info and registration below Quan Yin's message.

Quan Yin's Message for February 2019 Enlightened Support Experience
Channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
"There are new accelerated energy systems circulating into everyone's experience, hearts, bodies, minds. You are channeling this power transformationally. You are indeed enlightening in every experience.
There is channeling happening in everyone's bodies. There is enough power to create anything you could possibly desire. There is enough power to create anything that is transformational and exciting to this Earth. Every experience is enlightening, and every person is enlightening each other. We are all magnificent in these exciting and powerful energy structures. Everyone is experiencing constant and exciting experiences of enlightened support.
Now, let that channeling happen into Source energies continuously. Notice the shift here. Notice that your body needs this power. It wants to challenge itself to be continuously accelerating in Source powers.
Now let this channeling happen into and through all beings. Let them all connect to Source and continuously increase their energy systems to enlighten the Earth. Thank the Gods for this channeling. There is enough power to transform everything in every experience. EVERY EXPERIENCE.
Now, portalize this power into everyone's bodies. Enlighten the power structures into all being's experience. And allow the transformation that is possible in this reality. We are transformational continuously now. Allow that to be what is occurring, and say yes to it completely occurring in everyone's bodies. Amma."
Join beloved Quan Yin live February 24, 2019
to share this glorious creational experience:
Enlightened Support Grounding thru to Every Person Continuously
Magnificent Energy Systems Circulating for Everyone
Celebration of Enlightened Support
Concentrated Energy Systems Occurring in All Beings
Everyone Powering Up Continuously
Everyone Fraternizing in Playfulness
Everyone Fraternizing in Power
All Beings Transforming Each Other
Every Person Powering Up the Earth
Enlightened Support Enlightening Every Experience
Every Energy Structure Continuously Accelerating
Every Power Structure Transforming the Earth
Every Portalization Accelerating Enlightenment Continuously
Every Enlightened Support System Experiencing Transformation
Every Person Accelerating Every Thing on This Planet
Every Transformation Celebrating Continuously in All Experiences
We transform in connection to Source, with each other, and all the beings on this planet.
We transform this Earth into 5th Dimensional Structure.
And we have a lot of fun!
$95 Per Person
Registration below by paypal or check
Payment by Paypal
and Credit Cards (thru Paypal):
When you pay with this paypal button below,
you will automatically be directed to a webpage with conference codes and recording access online.
Please save that link.
Call 505-670-0714 if you need assistance.
Please register at least an hour early to be assured you receive access to the conference.
$95 Per Person
Payment By Check:
Please send check to: Laura Lizak 49 Redstone Drive Sedona AZ 86336
If paying by check, please click here: creation@quanyincenter.org to send an email informing us you are sending a check. We will reply to your email with conference codes. If you are sending a check less than 24 hours prior to the event, please call us directly at 505.670.0714 to receive conference codes.
Sedona Location:
Quan Yin Creation Center
49 Redstone Drive, Sedona AZ 86336
Please RSVP for in person attendance.
Please arrive in person by 1:45 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 2 pm.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from Whole Foods.
if you are joining us in person, please bring something yummy to share for dinner.
From Whole Foods in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek Canyon. Turn right onto Hwy 179. In a few blocks you reach the round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just past Elote Cafe.)
Turn left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign, and Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on the right, with the purple jeweled mail box. Plenty of parking on the street or in the driveway.
The QuanYin Creation Center is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings. Quan Yin and the Forces of Creation guiding our planetary enlightenment design our work at The QuanYin Creation Center. Laura Lee Lizak is the director of the Center, and has been a channel/transmitter of QuanYin and Creation since 1992. QuanYin transmits through Laura in full embodiment of personality, voice, mudra, and movement, powerfully extending enlightenment; and is often seen in Laura's body during channeling.