Exciting Announcement!!
You can still join Quan Yin's Advanced Light Worker Training!
Advanced Training in Light Worker Continuums
with Quan Yin
Embodiment of Quan Yin thru Laura Lee Lizak
For Those Who Choose to Create Continuous Transformation in All Being's Experience.
Enrollment is open until Monday October 14.
Say YES to this support and transformation!
Please listen to Quan Yin's short and powerful message about this Course in this video:
Quan Yin is now offering a brand new live Advanced Course
to Enlighten Everything Continuously in Consciousness:

Mondays, September 30, 2019 thru January 28, 2020
16 weekly live transmissions by Bodhisattva Quan Yin
Class Times:
In person in Sedona: 5:15 to 7:30 PM Arizona*
By Teleconference:
5:30 to 7:30 PM Pacific & Arizona*-- 6:30 to 8:30 PM Mountain-- 7:30 to 9:30 PM Central --
8:30 to 10:30 PM Eastern -- 2:30 to 5:30 PM Hawaii*
*After Nov 3, Arizona and Hawaii class time are one hour later.
To find your time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
Attend Live Via Phone Conferencing Or Attend In Person in Sedona, AZ, USA
Recordings Available Online

Our first class was magnificently powerful!
Quan Yin is just over the top amazing!
Every person in our powerful group is amazing! We are in such excitement!
So many changes are happening in our reality already.
Quan Yin Speaks about this Training:
"All beings are shifting in their power structures.
Everyone is experiencing this right now. We are shifting in connection to Source. We are all empowering each other in continuous acceleration. We are needing to support each other in creational aspects of our consciousness. We are needing to be part of systems of energy that are grounding support into the Earth. We are enlightening in continuous acceleration now. No one is outside of this. We are going to transform this planet.
It is important the we manage these powers in every experience.
It is time to enlighten the support systems into creational support systems.
We are transforming the Earth together, today, in every experience. It is time we share the information that is necessary for that to be understood, to implement it into our reality, and to accelerate it for all beings. This is the time for that to occur. Being that powerful is more important than ever.
What I am calling together here (in this course) is an enlightened support group of empowerment to Source.
This is for advanced light workers who have given this support to the Earth before,
and create transformation in many parts of their reality already. We are shifting this planet here in creational Source energies. We are transforming each other already. We are supporting each other in creational forces. Let us support each other into new possibilities for this reality. Let us create transformation into new reality constructions. Amma. Let it all fall into place, and celebrate these magnificent support systems. Amma.
This intensive will be much more accelerated in the energy systems than our previous intensives.
We are transforming each other here. We will be powerful enough to transform everyone on the Earth. We are going to see that everyone is shifting in this time frame. We are going to portalize each other, and magnify the support systems. And we will change the energy structures of the Earth. We will incorporate this channeling energy into new possibilities. And we will give support to every experience on the planet, all of the time.
We each planetize these powers, and influence collective consciousness.
We each portalize, and celebrate that transformation, and every person on the Earth is planetized in this process. And every time we come together, we will transform the planet. We are magnificently portalized in connection to Source, and enlighten each other in continuous acceleration. This will be powerful enough to transform everyone's bodies.
All of this being said, it is important to remember that you are transformational to this Earth, and that every person in this reality is commonplace in this power right now. It is needed to explain the support that is available, and not be hardshipped by the energy systems circulation right now.
Let us figure out how to enjoy this structure, and planetize our portals continuously."

Learn the powerful forces of Creation that are available to you:
- How do we transform the world in connection to Source?
- How do you create transformation in every experience?
- How do you enliven God Consciousness into every experience on the Earth?
- How do you enliven everyone's bodies, in continuous acceleration?
- How do you portalize enlightened support structures?
- How do you planetize each other's powers?
- How do you shape consciousness on the Earth?
- How do you planetize each and every part of your experience?
- How do you planetize connections to Source?
- How do you level out consciousness into every part of this reality?
- How do you enlighten connections to Source into every experience?
- How do you planetize portal structures to create transformation in all experience?
- How do you planetize portal structures to change the energy systems of the Earth?
- How do you influences the transformational powers of this planet?
- How do you magnify Source without any hardships?
- How do you planetize portals without hardships to anyone?
- How do planetary support systems create transformation for everyone?
- How do "pleasing each other" energies celebrate this transformation?
- How do you transform each other continuously?
- How do you figure out what to create that is exciting for the Earth?
- How do you support one another in all experiences?
Benefits of this Course:
- Your body transforms into a new power structure.
- Your Life Force activates into every person on the planet, and all beings.
- Your Life Force activates into new powers structures for the Earth.
- You energy systems circulate into new energy systems for the planet.
- Your Power Body creates energy systems for everyone.
- You enlighten each other in all experiences.
- You manufacture the power in continuum, in all experiences.
- You elevate the transformational energy systems of the Earth.
- Everyone on board is transformed in continuous acceleration.
- Your body ignites everyone's bodies.
- You open your portal wide enough to create transformation in everyone's experience.
- Celebration occurs in every part of your being.
- You transform the planet in continuous acceleration.
- And so much more.
This Course is an enlightening, deeply heartful, ecstatic planetary support system.
There will be many layers of consciousness enlightening your physical, mental and spiritual reality.
You will be receiving new energy structures continuously for 4 months, opening portals continuously, planetizing powers, enlightening each other, activating and receiving new energy systems, and opening many levels of support into this reality.
Enlightenment will continuously accelerate in all connections during this course.
This consistent ignition of power and support will leave trauma, drama, disease and disruption behind.
It will take you to heights you have never imagined before,
and create enlightened support systems in every part of your experience.
Celebrate the powerful support available from QuanYin and all of the beings that are a part of this experience.
Celebrate in the support of folks all over the world sharing this enlightenment. Ignite all beings in these powers.
And have a lot of fun!
Quan Yin lovingly urges you to give this glorious gift to yourself and to our world.
"I do not have the words to express my gratitude and love for these classes...We are the GODS in action! The love and power that expresses through Laura and her channeling is so~~PURE~~and filled with such light. What a great service we are doing for the planet together!"-- Long Island, Creation Lecturer, Teacher, Practitioner
"The most advanced energy work I have ever experienced. Simply miraculous!"
--Hawaii, Light Body Author and Practitioner
"The classes are amazing! I am awed by the changes I feel in my body, my heart,
my thinking, my work, and the world. Bless you for offering this divinity." -- Dallas, Holistic Practitioner, Author
Tuition is $550 for the Full Course, or 4 monthly payments of $150.
Enrollment is limited. We suggest you secure your spot early.
Quan Yin expects a commitment to the full four month experience, even if paying monthly.
Recordings of all classes will be available online and can be downloaded to your computer.
Call 505 670-0714 if you need info or assistance.
Payment Option 1: By Check
Send check made out to Laura Lizak 49 Redstone Drive Sedona AZ 86336
If paying by check, please call us directly to register at 505 670-0714, and email us at creation@quanyincenter.org.
Payment Option 2: By Paypal or Credit Card
Pay with credit card or paypal directly through https://www.paypal.com/.
In paypal, please press "send money", and then please click on"friend or family member."
This will save us many dollars in fees.