As we accelerate thru the most important and powerful time we have ever experienced,
new energy systems are circulating thru to everyone's bodies.
Everyone is changing continuously now.
New body systems are accelerating.
Everyone is powering each other up.
Let us power each other into a new energy system
that gives everyone the support needed to enlighten continuously.
Let it all be magnificently exciting!
Quan Yin is offering a transformational series of life-force activations
that is a continuous enlightenment to everyone's bodies:
Advanced Lightworker Training with Quan Yin:
Structures of Enlightenment for All Beings
Quan Yin is channeled in full embodiment thru Laura Lee Lizak

Mondays, February 21, 2022 thru June 6, 2022
16 live weekly sessions with Source and Bodhisattva Quan Yin
Attend Live Via Phone Conferencing Recordings Available
Quan Yin Speaks about this Transformational Course:
"The energy systems of enlightened support are now circulating thru to everyone who wants to be part of this excitement. We are all transforming into new energy experiences. Each person is igniting into new possibilities that are more powerful than ever in their bodies. We each have this channeling going on in our bodies and hearts to accommodate the transformation that is enlightening all beings right now.
Your body doesn't need to be pushed to create this transformation, it just needs to be given support. You body is challenging you to give this enlightened support to each other, and create a transformational construct that allows this magnificence to celebrate itself in your body's transformation. Let it all fall into place. Let yourself be this magnificent continuously.
Now, there are parts of you that need to be transformed to create this transformational construct, and that is what occurs in this course. We are magnificent together, in the power structure of this course; we magnify the support that is available to all beings by sharing this God-Consciousness with each other.
Now we offer this opportunity to your body to align this support into all beings. It is not a hardship to be this powerful, for anyone. It is God Consciousness that is challenging you to create this magnificence. It is always available. it is always enlightening your body. Let it clear the traumas and dissolve the diseases in your body, and create enlightened support for all beings.
It is easier than ever to be this powerful. Let God Consciousness fill you up into new powers, and let the powers support your body in every experience. Notice the shift here, in that commonality. I wish for you to far exceed your transformational constructs, to enjoy this as a way of being. And notice the disease is already releasing. And yet, even more is available that will align your body with God Conscious transformational constructs. Everyone is available to this in every experience. Yet, no one wants to hurt each other in this power. So let us work out plans for this transformation that help everyone to create enlightened support for each other.
That is our intention for this structure: To transform, enlighten, and create transformational constructs to enlighten all beings. And that is the full amount of support that is coming thru this course. Let that be what is available to you. Thank God for this transformation, and thank the Gods for creating this consciousness. And thank you for being a part of this. You are transforming everyone in this power. Amma."

Art by Erial Ali
Experience the Magnificent Transformation that is Available at this Time:
- 88 Enlightened Support Systems Igniting thru your physical body
- Undeniable excitement and joy
- Support systems that ground thru to everyone
- Enlightened support systems that are creating support for each other's powers
- Your energy system enlightening many people
- You being magnificent in your powers
- Your body transforming many people, no one outside of this
- You being the manager of your powers
- Everyone transforming everyone else
- Everyone being more powerful than they have ever been
- New body constructs accelerating
- Everyone changing their body systems
- New body systems grounding thru to the Earth and all her beings
- Everyone giving the support that is needed for these structures to accelerate into every experience
- Supporting the structure within the consciousness of the Earth
- You maintaining Source integration
- Families of consciousness igniting in this power
Quan Yin lovingly urges you to give this glorious gift to yourself and to our world.
This Course is a transformational structure of enlightened support:
There will be many layers of support grounding through your physical, spiritual, and emotional experience.
You will receive new structures of counsciousness continuously for 4 months, creating transformation in every part of your experience. We will portalize, enlighten, celebrate, and give support to each other continuously. We will planetize powers, and opening many levels of support into this reality.
Enlightenment will continuously accelerate during this course. This consistent ignition of power and support will dissolve trauma, disease and hardship. It will take you to heights you have never experienced before, and create enlightened support systems in every part of your experience.
Come celebrate the powerful support available from Source, Quan Yin, and all of the beings that want to share this power. Celebrate in the support of many many beings all over the planet sharing this enlightenment.
Together, we ignite all beings in these powers, and have a lot of fun!

"I do not have the words to express my gratitude and love for these classes...We are the GODS in action! The love and power that expresses through Laura and her channeling is so~~PURE~~and filled with such light. What a great service we are doing for the planet together!"-- Long Island, Creation Lecturer, Teacher, Practitioner
"The most advanced energy work I have ever experienced. Simply miraculous!"
--Hawaii, Light Body Author and Practitioner
"The classes are amazing! I am awed by the changes I feel in my body, my heart,
my thinking, my work, and the world. Bless you for offering this divinity." -- Dallas, Holistic Practitioner, Author
Class Dates:
Every Monday, February 21, 2022 thru June 6, 2022.
16 weekly classes, 2 hours each.
Class Times:
5:30 to 7:30 PM Pacific-- 6:30 to 8:30 PM Mountain & Arizona-- 7:30 to 9:30 PM Central --
8:30 to 10:30 PM Eastern -- 3:30 to 6:30 PM Hawaii
To find your time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
Classes is Arizona and Hawaii become one hour earlier when times shift March 13, 2022.
Enrollment is limited. We suggest you secure your spot early.
Quan Yin requests a commitment to the full four month experience, even if paying monthly.