A 3rd magnificent Gamma Wave from Galactic Core is coming through our Solar System.
Wave X Phase 3 is pulsing 5D frequencies through all of Earth and her beings,
and is accelerating to complete power between June 18 and June 21, 2016.
This is the culmination of three Super-Waves,
said to be igniting all inhabitants of our Earth into Ascension.
(Previous super waves were September 2015 and March 2016.)
Quan Yin calls this "The Enlightened Support Event,"
Massive changes are expected to happen for our Earth and her inhabitants in light of this acceleration.
Huge shifts in consciousness are occurring for everyone.
All beings are accelerating in every part of their experience.
Transformation is occurring in everyone's bodies.
Everyone's bodies are shifting into enlightenment experience.
We will all transform each other, and everyone will transform this Earth.
Global support systems are accelerating into enlightened support.
Our Earth is becoming magnificent in it's powers,
and transforming all it's experiences into enlightened support.
We are well into feeling these effects.
Quan Yin is hosting this event at the peak of this powerful planetary transition,
to maximize our transformation and acceleration.
QuanYin's "Global Ascension Wave 3" Message:
"This infusion of Life Force is transforming everyone on this planet right now. You are transforming completely. Your bodies are changing this Earth. Every person on this planet is shifting in power. Every person is enlightening. Every person is enlightening this Earth. We are all transforming each other. No one is outside of this.
We make this power happen by changing the frequencies in our bodies, to accommodate the new energies into our experience. Now notice that you are changing continuously. We are all channeling each others' energies into enlightened support systems. We are all changing the Earth together. We notice these things as we channel enlightened support into this Earth.
Now, notice the shifts in your body here. Notice that you are changing in this energy. Notice the being that is sitting in this body of yours. Notice that your body is shifting continuously these days, and that you are not needing to worry about things as much as before.
Now, notice the shift in your heart. Is is easy to give this heart energy out to everyone here. Give it to yourself, as first, and give it to all beings continuously. Notice the change in your heart in that experience. Notice how your body is shifting here. Notice the shifts in everyone's bodies. And see how magnificent this is.
Say yes to this transformation. Give help to everyone. Say yes to transforming everyone's bodies. And do the things that are exciting and transformative in your heart. Be that experience of enlightened support. And do the things that are most exciting in your life. That is important, that transforms your body.
Notice the shifts, and do what is needed to create this transformation in everyone's bodies. Amma. That is consciousness in action. That is transformation in excitement. That is the transformation of this time. Amma. Let the transformation continuously occur in all beings, in everyone's hearts. Amma. That is important. Thank the Benevolent Forces of Creation for this Enlightened support, and say yes to the transformation completely occurring."
At the Height of this magnificent Wave,
we will connect with each other to experience:
Everyone Transforming Each Other in Enlightened Support.
Everyone Supporting Each Others' Experience of Enlightenment.
New Support Systems Grounding Through.
Everyone Giving Help to Each Other.
Everyone Celebrating Magnificent Support.
Everyone Enlightening Each Other.
Everyone Giving Help to This Earth.
Everyone Supporting Connection.
Everyone Freeing Each Other From the Support Systems of Disruption.
All Frequencies Accelerating Continuously.
Enlightened Support Transforming All Experiences.
No One Outside of this Picture.
And it is going to be a lot of fun.