Enlightening in the Galactic Wave
Mass Enlightenment Occurring
Join Quan Yin Live to Maximize this Magnificent Global Transformation!
Quan Yin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Mondays September 21, 28, October 5 & 12, 2015
Attend Any or All Events in this Series
Quan Yin highly recommends attending the full series!
Series Discount
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or listen to Recordings Online
We are on the precipice of a new world emerging.
This next few weeks is said to be one of the most exciting and accelerated times in Earth's history.
A transforming wave of gamma light is coming from the Galactic Core through to our Solar System,
and is the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in modern history.
This Super-Wave is accelerating to complete power on September 28, 2015.
This is expected to create a shift in consciousness for our entire world.
Massive changes on our Earth are expected to happen in light of this acceleration.
Huge shifts in consciousness will occur for everyone,
and everyone's bodies will be shifting into complete enlightenment.
Global support systems will accelerate into enlightened support.
All beings will be accelerating in every part of their experience.
Our Earth will become magnificent in it's powers,
and transform all it's experiences into enlightened support.
We are already well into feeling these effects.
This is a magnificent leap forward in Earth's Ascension into the Golden Age.
Quan Yin is offering four evenings of enlightened support throughout this magnificent planetary transition
to maximize our transformation and acceleration.
QuanYin's "Enlightening in the Wave" Message:
"The powers are transforming this Earth continuously at this time. You are transforming your bodies. Each person on this Earth is accelerating in power. Your transformations are accelerating into complete enlightened support in your bodies. No one is outside of this picture. No one is outside of this experience.
You being magnificent is the magnificent support that is needed on this Earth. You are transforming your field and challenging yourselves to transform this Earth. Each person is accelerating in this experience of enlightened support. Your figurines are transforming this world in every part of it's experience. You shift completely in this time frame. Your bodies are going to continuously accelerate in these powers of transformation.
Notice the shifts you are creating already. Notice the difference in your powers. Notice how different your body is becoming. Notice that shift continuously accelerating in every part of your experience. Notice that shifts are happening for everyone, and that you being enlightening is creating magnificence for this Earth. You are the channel in this power. You are the transformation. You are creative force that is transforming this Earth in every part of it's experience.
Notice the transformation is everybody's bodies. You are that experience in conscious connection with all beings. You are creating igniting situations to elevate the transformations in all the beings you are in connection with. You are transforming everyone in this power. Let that be the case in this scenario of magnificence that is occurring in the next month or so.
Let the transformation completely occur. Let issues resolve. Let confirmations occur. Let transfigurations happen in this time frame. Let information occur into this world that allows this power to magnify into all experiences. Let the transformation complete itself in your powers to create what you want.
Say yes to this transformation. Say yes to the transformation enlightening all beings. Say yes to transformation accelerating completely. Say yes to the magnificence that is possible at this time. Amma. Amma. Amma. Thank the Gods inside of each person for this transformation. And give this enlightened support out to all beings. Amma.".
Enlightening in the Galactic Wave
Live Ignitions with Quan Yin to Maximize the Potentiality of this Transformation
Mondays September 21, 28, October 5 & 12, 2015
In Person in Sedona: 5:45 to 8:00 pm
By Phone: 6 to 8 pm Arizona & Pacific Time 7 to 9 pm Mountain
8 to 10 pm Central 9 to 11 pm Eastern 3 pm to 5 pm Hawaii
Attend Any or All Classes tho Quan Yin highly recommends attending the full series!
Series Discount
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or listen to Recordings Online
Monday Sept 21: Equinox as Wave Support System
Monday Sept 28: Maximal Transformation at the Height of the Wave
Monday October 5: Integration/Optimization of Wave Experience
Monday October 12: Acceleration of Enlightened Connection
During These Ignitions with Quan Yin Experience and Ignite:
- Magnificent Support For Your Powers
- New Support Systems Accelerating in Your Body
- New Ways of Being in Your Experience
- New Inspirations of What to Create in this New Time
- Everyone Transforming Each Other Completely into Enlightened Support
- Everyone Being Powerful in Their Bodies
- Everyone Experiencing Enlightened Support in Connection With Each Other
- Everyone Supporting Each Other's Transformation
- Everyone Giving Help to Each Other's Continuous Acceleration
- Everyone Transforming Every Part of Their Being
- Everyone Experiencing Support Continuously in Every Part of Their Body
- Everyone Supporting Everyone's Magnificence
- Everyone Transforming This Earth Together
More info on the Galactic Wave:
$25 Per Person per class, $90 for 4 classes
$20 Current Enlightened Circle Members, $70 for 4 classes
Registration below by paypal or check
The QuanYin Creation Center is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings. QuanYin and the Forces of Creation guiding our planetary enlightenment design our work at The QuanYin Creation Center. Laura Lee Lizak is the director of the Center, and has been a channel/transmitter of QuanYin and Creation since 1992. QuanYin transmits through Laura in full embodiment of personality, voice, mudra, and movement, powerfully extending enlightenment; and is often seen in Laura's body during channeling.
Sedona Location:
Quan Yin Creation Center
49 Redstone Drive, Sedona AZ 86336
Please arrive in person by 5:45 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 6:00 pm.
If you need to arrive late because of your work schedule, please let us know beforehand, and enter quietly.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from Whole Foods.
From Whole Foods in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek Canyon. Turn right onto Hwy 179 until you reach the next round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just past King's Ransom Hotel.)
Turn left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign. Within a block Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on the right, with the purple jeweled mail box. Please park in the driveway if possible.
Payment by Paypal
and Credit Cards (thru Paypal):
When you pay with this paypal button below,
you will automatically receive conference codes online, plus access info for the recording of this event.
Call 505-670-0714 for assistance.
$25.00 per person per class
$90 for the series
Single class payment button:
Full Series Payment by Paypal:
If paying for the full series thru paypal or credit card, please go to paypal.com and pay to creation@quanyincenter.org.
Please check "paying to friends and family."
If paying for a series the day of the class, please call 505 670-0714 for conference codes.
Payment By Check:
Please send check to: Laura Lizak 49 Redstone Drive Sedona AZ 86336
If paying by check, please click here: creation@quanyincenter.org to send an email informing us you are sending a check. We will reply to your email with conference codes.
If you are sending a check less than 24 hours prior to the event, please call us directly at 505.670.0714 to receive conference codes.