12:12 Stargate Transformation
Connecting Source Into All Experiences
and Supporting Each Other in Continuous Acceleration
Live Event with Quan Yin, (also known as Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin)
channeled in full energetic embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Thursday December 12, 2019
Attend in Person in Sedona Or by Phone Or Listen to Recordings Online

In person in Sedona: 6:15 to 8:30 pm Mountain Time
By Phone: 5:30 to 7:30 pm Pacific 6:30 to 8:30 pm Mountain & Arizona
7:30 to 9:30 pm Central
8:30 to 10:30 pm Eastern 3:30 to 5:30 pm Hawaii
On the magnificently powerful day of 12/12/19,
we reach the culmination of a 7 year cycle of the Earth-Awakening since 12/12/12 .
On 12/12/19, a God-Conscious Stargate impulses tremendous support to allow us
to transform this Earth together, and to complete the cycle of consciousness that is enlightening the Earth.
Grounding more power than ever, and including 4 to 5 hundred thousand lightworkers,
a magnificent system of enlightened support
is coming through this Stargate and into our bodies at this time.
It is a day of great connection of power to our bodies,
to allow us to enlighten this Earth in complete connection with all beings.
It is a day of tremendous transformation.
It is a day of supporting continuous consciousness acceleration.
Join Quan Yin live to transform this Earth together:
"During this accelerated support, a transformational power structure is going to envelope the planetary systems of energy. The energy systems circulating will enlighten the planet in connection to Source powers. Your Life force is going to envelope the planetary structures. Your energies are going to support each other in consciousness and acceleration. We all transform in connection to Source, ground this accelerated support, and transform this planet."
In this transformational consciousness experience, you will connect:
Tremendous support in all parts of your being.
Your God Consciousness accelerating dramatically.
Your life force activating continuously.
Your God Conscious support systems igniting continuously.
Your energy systems circulating transformation.
Your beingness sharing itself in continuous acceleration.
Your energy systems circulating connection to Source.
Support in maintaining your structures of power.
Your power body igniting in continuous acceleration.
Your God conscious support systems growing continuously for all beings.
Celebration occurring in everyone's bodies.
Everyone transforming continuously in God Conscious support.

QuanYin states:
"Everyone is experiencing transformation at this time. We are all transforming in connection to Source, and everyone's bodies are including each other in this process. No one is outside of this. This is magnificently important to recognize. You are the magnificence that is occurring here. You are transforming the Earth continuously. There is no one outside of this picture.
Now, let the transformation celebrate itself in your heart. It is going to accelerate continuously now. You are that transformation. You are the transformation that is accelerating the Earth. You are the beingness that is grounding immeasurable magnificence into this planetary sphere. You are creating this magnificent support for all beings. Now let that be what is occurring here, for all beings. Let the support drown the history of sorrows out of this Earth.
Now let that support be what is occurring for everyone's bodies. Let your body be that simple, that is grows this support continuously. Let you be that allowing of the powers, that no one is out of this experience. That is important. That is God consciousness, in support of creation.
Now let that be what is occurring all of the time. Let that be the support that is creating itself on this Earth. Let that be the support that is shifting everyone's bodies, hearts, support systems, energy structures. Let it be supportive, enlightening, and celebratory to enlighten this Earth. And shift, dear hearts, to be what is most powerful and exciting for your body. Let it all fall into place. And let it be exciting to share this transformation. Amma.
Good Job. The support is creating consciousness in all experiences. Enlighten continuously. And let yourself be transformational all of the time. Amma. Give it out, Give it out, give it out."
Let us all transform each other,
and celebrate this God-conscious support system for our Earth!