Synchronizing with the powerful life force of thousands of light workers around the globe
gathering for the World
Congress on Illumination,
"We will
form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God
will flow to raise the consciousness of the masses of Humanity."
Lion's Gate Stargate Ignition
Enlightened Support System Acceleration & Creation
Enlightening All Beings Continuously
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Live Event with Quan Yin, (also known as Kwan Yin, Kuan Yin, and Kannon)
channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
Attend in Person in Sedona Or by Phone Or listen to recordings online
In person in Sedona: 6:15 to 8:30 pm.
By Phone: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Pacific & Arizona 7:30 to 9:30 pm Mountain 8:30 to 10:30 pm Central
9:30 to 11:30 pm Eastern 3:30 to 5:30 pm Hawaii
To find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Lions Gate is a Stargate which opens a wave of Enlightened Support from the
Galactic Center into the Earth. This "wave" contains the new Light
Support Systems for the
Evolution of the Earth for the next year/cycle, and so it is known as
the Planetary New Year. This incoming Wave of Enlightened Support will
"recalibrate" the planetary experience to Enlightened Experience.
Quan Yin will assist us in enlightening, accelerating
and integrating this magnificent support system
into our bodies, our lives, all beings, and our world.
the energies of our 2012 Earth Enlightenment accelerate and connect,
enlightenment is occurring en masse. Enlightened support is accelerating
here. Everyone is accelerating continuously. We align into a
magnificent power structure.
The Lion's Gate Stargate is opening for all beings to accelerate
continuously. No one is outside of this experience. We open portals in
all beings to accelerate this power into this reality. We help everyone
to ignite in this power and support for all beings.
let that support be coming into your body in every experience. Let your
body change completely. Let your energy system circulate this power in
every experience. Let your body drown out the sorrows, and give everyone
enlightened support completely. Let every experience enlighten. Let
your energy systems give everyone power. Amma. You will magnify this
experience completely into this world.
notice how different you feel in this experience. Notice how changes
occur in your body. Notice that your energy systems circulate new
powers. Notice what differences you are creating in your life. Notice
the differences in your energy system. And see what happens in this
power. See what changes you create. And let yourself be important. Let
your body be powerful, and let your enlightened support accelerate. And
notice how differently you enlighten this earth. See what you can
change. And see what you can create. Amma.
Quan Yin states that in this class:
"We will be changing our structures of consciousness to accelerate all beings
into enlightened support, enlightened connection, and new understanding of their powers.
New support systems will accelerate into this earth that have never been possible before.
New energy systems will circulate to accommodate these new powers.
New support systems will ground into this earth to accommodate this new energy system.
New energy connections will help us to accommodate our powers.
We will enlighten each other's energy systems, and give each other a lot of help.
We will dimensionally restructure our reality. Amma.
We are going to help a lot of people in this power. Amma.
We are going to share energy connections on all experiences. Amma.
"It was an amazing
experience. I felt so expanded, peaceful and full of TRUST. The GRAND
FINALE is the most powerful energy a have ever felt..." P.C., Mexico
By teleconference: $35 per person
In Person Attendance: $25
Current Divinity Circle Members: $25
Registration below by paypal or check.
49 Redstone Drive
Sedona AZ 86336
Please arrive in person by 5:45 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 6 pm.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from New Frontier's.
From New Frontier's in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek
Canyon. Go right onto Hwy 179 until you reach the next round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just
past King's Ransom Hotel.)
Go left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign.
Within a block Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on
the right on the corner, just past the jeweled mail box. Please park in
the driveway if at all possible. Our neighborhood association prefers cars not be on the street. | | |
Payment by Paypal or Credit Card:
You will receive conference codes immediately online, plus online aceess info to the MP3 recording of this event.
Call 505-670-0714 if you need assistance or info.
$35.00 per person by Teleconference
$25.00 per person in person or Divinity Circle
Payment By Check:
Please send check to: Laura Lizak 49 Redstone Drive Sedona AZ 86336
If paying by check, please send an email informing us you are sending a check. We will reply to your email with conference codes.
If registering less than 24 hours prior to the event, please send email, and call us directly at 505.670.0714 to receive conference codes. | |