Quan Yin and I have been in seclusion for months;
to enlighten, to experience God Consciousness,
and to create new energy structures for the Earth.
We are creating constructs of consciousness is greater capacities, and it is glorious beyond measure.
We have more power, more structure, more excitement, more enlightenment,
more support, more creational energies, more celebration than ever to create from.
We are creating reality structures to accommodate these consciousness systems,
new energy systems to accelerate from, new power systems to ignite in.
We are delighted to conclude our seclusion
by igniting these new systems planetarily, in all of these new powers, with all of you, in this magnificent event.
Join us for this grand and glorious transformational construction of God Conscious support.
Let us all create magnificence for our Earth in these powers:
Lightening Up the Planet
Giving Help to All Beings
Live with Quan Yin as channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
USA & Europe: Sunday, November 14, 2021
Tokyo: Monday, November 15, 2021
Live by Zoom Video or Phone. Replay available.

During this Transformational Event:
Quan Yin will create a masterful experience of transformational consciousness,
each person transforming continuously, everyone continuously transforming each other, everyone being powerful together, and everyone giving support to the Earth.
There will be more powers in your body than ever have been experienced before,
and more powers accelerating into every experience on this Earth. You will be transformed, your heart will be energized, and you will be simple in your powers.
Your body will transform itself, in this blissful transformational construct.
Everyone will be transforming together. And life force will activate so completely that your body changes everything about itself.
Come celebrate the powerful support available from Source, Quan Yin,
and all of the beings that want to share this power.
Celebrate in the support of many beings all over the planet sharing this enlightenment.
Together, we ignite all beings in these powers, and have a lot of fun!

Quan Yin New Message and Activation:
"The Life Force that is activating thru everyone right now is more powerful that it has ever been.
Each individual is accelerating in consciousness, in enlightened support, and in God Conscious support systems. There are God Consciousness energies accelerating thru everyone's bodies. There are more people enlightening each other than ever before. Each one is transforming each other. There are fantastic experiences that are occurring right now.
There is an energy system that is moving thru each of you that is exciting and transformational.
You each connect Source into this energy circuitry. You each have the transformational construct occurring, into everything you are a part of. Each of you is transforming in every part of your experience. Each of you is God Consciousness in every experience you are a part of. Let that all fall into place.
Each and every person on this Earth is transforming each other.
Each one is commanding these energies. Each one is helping each other to power up. Each one is short circuiting the hardships in their bodies in these powers. Each one is sharing the transformation in this power structure. Everyone is commonly available to these powers. Everyone is giving support to every experience. That is how it all ignites.
The transformation continues to accelerate into every experience.
We each maintain this Source structure in every experience we are a part of. No one is outside of this. Now, as these powers ignite into and thru your body, you carry the transformation forth into anything you are a part of. No one is outside of this. It is all empowering to everyone. Therefore, the transformation does not energize anything that is hardship. It does not hurt us, it does not give destruction or disruption to the Earth. It does not planetize any pushiness or hurtfulness, it does not give support to any pushiness or hurtfulness at all. It does not help us to maintain any structures of hardship.
The energy fields of enlightened support are creating magnificent experiences for those who choose
to be enlightening to each other. The ones who want to be powerful will ignite the new systems into what ever is exciting to create for all beings.
We will be empowering to each other in this magnificence during this event,
to planetarily ignite the structures of enlightened support that were created in these last few months.
There will be more power than ever in your heart, more power that never in your God Conscious support systems, and more energy than ever in your God Conscious experience. You are managing portals of power that ignite in everyone's experience. Let that transform every part of your being. Let it all be exciting, to everyone. And give yourself the gift of transformation that is available in every experience. Amma."

During this transformational live event with Quan Yin you will experience:
Alignment of Source into every person on the Earth
Enlightened support grounding thru to every being
Everyone channeling Source together
Everyone enlightening continuously together
Everyone giving support to the God conscious support systems
Every channeling Source to everyone else
Everyone giving enlightenment to continuous Source experience.
Your body transforming the planet
Your heartbeat transforming the Earth
Your body shifting thru old hardships and dissolving them
Everyone continuously connecting Source into each other's experience.
Everyone's powers transforming the Earth.
Everyone giving support to everyone else's bodies.
Intervention technologies creating transformation in everyone's hearts.
USA, Montreal, Canada, Europe & La Paz, Bolivia: Sunday, November 14, 2021
Pacific Time: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Arizona & Mountain Time: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Central Time: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Eastern Time: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Hawaii: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Montreal, Canada: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
La Paz, Bolivia: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Paris, France: 9:00 pm to 1:00 am
Geneva, Switzerland: 9:00 pm to 1:00 am
Tokyo, Japan: Monday, November 15, 2021
Tokyo, Japan: 5:00 am to 9:00 am
We will take a 45 min break midway point.
For you time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
(Please compare your city to starting time of 3 pm, New York, USA.)
Registration for this Event
We will be creating a lot of support for every person on the planet.
It is powerful, simple, and very exciting. Amma.
Choose your payment amount:

You can also pay directly thru paypal.com to email address creation@quanyincenter.org.
Email us at creation@quanyincenter.org or Call 505-670-0714 f you need registration assistance.
The QuanYin Creation Center is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings. Quan Yin and the Forces of Creation guiding our planetary enlightenment design our work at The QuanYin Creation Center. Laura Lee Lizak is the director of the Center, and has been a channel/transmitter of QuanYin and Creation since 1992. QuanYin transmits through Laura in full embodiment of personality, voice, mudra, and movement, powerfully extending enlightenment; and is often seen in Laura's body during channeling.