Join Quan Yin to create magnificent transformation in everyone's experience!
Evolutionary Systems of Consciousness are grounding thru to us now!
Grounding Enlightened Support Into Everyone's Bodies
QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak
USA Friday, October 9, 2020
Tokyo Saturday, October 10, 2020
Live by Zoom Video or Phone Recordings available
(Having your video on is optional)
Discounted Tuition and Scholarships available

Join Quan Yin live to create transformational constructs for everyone on the Earth.
During this Live Class with Quan Yin we will co-create:
25 systems of consciousness that support your body.
Energy systems that support everyone's bodies.
New consciousness structures to support this integration.
New energy systems to accelerate into.
Beingness grounding thru your heart.
Energy structures to create transformational constructs for the Earth.
New energy structures to connect Source into God conscious support systems.
New energy systems to circulate transformation into all beings.
Levels of consciousness that are shifting everyone on the Earth.
Celebration of creation in every part of your experience.
What does it give to you to give all of this out?
Transformational consciousness accelerating continuously for all beings.
Quan Yin's Message about this event:
"There are many levels of consciousness that are coming through each of us these days. We are all transforming. We are all channeling Source. We are all shifting into new energy systems. We are all enlightening and giving support to each other. We are maintaining this support in our experience, and enlightening each person our consciousness systems. We are channeling Source in connection to each other. We are blaming no one, we giving support to everyone's bodies, and celebrating this transformation into God Conscious support structures. We are supporting each other here, in every part of our experience. Let it all fall into place. This channeling Source is lightening up the Earth. We are each part of this channeling of Source. We give it out to each other, in God conscious support.
Now let that be what is occurring for you. Let your body be powerful in this regard. Let your heart be simple with all of this. Let your body transform into whatever is needed right to give to the Earth. Let your transformation come thru to the world, in every experience that you are a part of. Be magnificent now. Be that portal of power. Be transformational. Be God Consciousness. Be lighthearted and lively. Be experienced in power. Let that all be easy for you. Let all the transformation give itself out in your body. And let this feel like it is transformational consciousness continuously occurring. Amma. Let it all be what it wants to be. And let it all be powerful continuously. Open the portal wide, and let it be what it wants to be, in your heart, in your consciousness, in your transformational constructs that align Source for all beings. Amma.
There are magnificent energies here, that want to celebrate this transformation into new power structures on this planet. You are magnificent in your Source energies. We are giving Source to all beings here. Empower yourself in this energy system, and be transformational all of the time. Amma. Good job, dear ones. Envision your power systems, and see your body systems transform into new energy structures that are God conscious support systems for all beings. Say yes to all of that! Give it out continuously! And let it all fall into place powerfully. Your heart is changing already, in this power system. Let it all be easy. Let you be magnificent, and let the ones who are needing support enlighten continuously. Amma.
Say yes to all of that, and notice there are no powers that are hardship here. No one is outside of this. No one can hurt each other is this transformational consciousness system. Let it be magnificent in your heart. May every support system integrate into your heart, and may your magnificence completely occur. And let yourself transform everything, every power system, every consciousness system, and every portalization. Thank the Gods for this transformation, and let yourself be accomplished in this energy system; to new possibilities in everyone's bodies. Amma."
Mass Enlightenment is Occurring.
Let's create what is magnificently exciting for our world with all this power!
USA, Montreal, Canada, & La Paz, Bolivia: Friday, October 9, 2020
Pacific Time & Arizona: 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Mountain Time: 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Central Time: 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Eastern Time: 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Hawaii: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Montreal, Canada: 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
La Paz, Bolivia: 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Tokyo, Japan, Paris, France & Geneva, Switzerland: Saturday, October 10, 2020
Tokyo, Japan: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Paris, France: 1:00 am to 5:00 am
Geneva, Switzerland: 1:00 am to 5:00 am
For you time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
(Please compare your city to our starting time of 4:00 pm, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.)
We will take a 45 min break midway point.
Choose your payment amount:
$80 Per Person
We appreciate your support of the Quan Yin Center's work!
$55 Per Person
For this price use this coupon code: $55TUITION
$35 Per Person
For this price use the coupon code: $35TUITION
Full Scholarship
Use this coupon code: FULLSCHOLARSHIP
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The QuanYin Creation Center is dedicated to the enlightenment of all beings. Quan Yin and the Forces of Creation guiding our planetary enlightenment design our work at The QuanYin Creation Center. Laura Lee Lizak is the director of the Center, and has been a channel/transmitter of QuanYin and Creation since 1992. QuanYin transmits through Laura in full embodiment of personality, voice, mudra, and movement, powerfully extending enlightenment; and is often seen in Laura's body during channeling.