2021 New Year Transformation
A Day of Creating Magnificence for our Earth
Transformational Constructs for All Beings
Being Powerful Continuously in Every Experience
Sharing Transformation All of the Time
Live with Quan Yin
QuanYin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
USA & Europe: Saturday, January 9, 2021
Tokyo: Sunday, January 10, 2021
Live by Zoom Video, YouTube Live, or Phone. Recordings available.

Let's Create 2021 as the
Most Powerful Experience of Consciousness Ever on This Earth.
Quan Yin States:
"This year is going to be more powerful than we have ever been. We are going to transform everyone and accelerate everything into God Consciousness. We are going to shift everyone's bodies, and see the God Conscious Support accelerating all of the time. We are deliberately accelerating transformation here, into every experience on this Earth. Let it all give itself out into every experience on this planet. It is managing Source that is most important right now. Let it be what it wants to be. Amma. We will be empowering everyone to transform each other."
During this Transformational Live Event with Quan Yin We will Create:
45 Levels of Consciousness Shifting Thru.
Everyone Grounding Support Together.
Everyone Giving Support to Each Other Continuously, in Every Experience.
All Beings Transforming Continuously.
Everyone Playing Out New Possibilities All of the Time.
Everyone Continuously Supporting the Transformation of the Earth.
All Enlightenment Continuously Occurring.
Everyone Continuously Celebrating this God Conscious Support.
Transformation Completely Continuously Accelerating Into All Beings Experience.

Quan Yin's Message/Activation for the New Year 2021:
"There are a lot of people that are changing right now. We are more powerful than we have ever been. We are changing everything together. We maintain these structures in every experience. We channel Source in every experience in our reality. We are maintaining structures of consciousness to change the Earth. We are all managing Source to create this transformation.
Now every person on the Earth is shifting. Every being is changing. Every part of our change is supporting every part of our reality. We are growing more power than ever in this construct of consciousness. We are changing everyone's bodies, everyone's experience, managing Source, to create what is most powerful and important for the Earth. Everyone is magnificent in these powers. We each are important and create transformation in everyone's bodies.
Now power does not need to be pushed, it needs to be supported. It needs to be integrated. It needs to be consciousness in support. It needs to be supported in every possible fabrication of consciousness. We are magnificent in our support structures. We maintain circulatory structures to celebrate this transformation. Amma. Good job.
Let this support system celebrate continuously, for all beings. Let it be easy to be powerful. Let your body give it's help to everyone. Let your God Consciousness support everyone's hearts. Let your managing of power ground thru to all beings. Let your transformation accelerate everyone's bodies. And let your body be supported in all of this power. Amma. It is God Consciousness that is occurring here. It is grounding thru to all beings. Let that be what is sharing itself thru you. And let it be transformational in every experience. And see that is is necessary here, to transform everyone, in every experience, in every experience of consciousness that comes thru you. Amma. Good job.
Now let that be always occurring in every experience, in every experience of consciousness. Open portals wide, enlighten continuously, and celebrate this transformation all of the time. Amma. All right then. It is God consciousness here, in every experience. Let it be what it wants to be, continuously. Thank you for all of this power. And notice the shifts that are occurring in this transformation. Amma. Good job to be this supportive to everyone's bodies. And celebrate this all of the time. Thank you. Give it to your help, to your God conscious support, and to every body's experience. Amma. And say yes to all of it continuously occurring in every experience. Amma. You are all ready for this transformation. Let it all fall into place."
Let's create what is magnificently exciting for our New Year with all this power!

USA, Montreal, Canada, Europe & La Paz, Bolivia: Saturday, January 9, 2021
Pacific Time: 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Arizona & Mountain Time: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Central Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Eastern Time: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Hawaii: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Montreal, Canada: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
La Paz, Bolivia: 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Paris, France: 9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Geneva, Switzerland: 9:00 pm to 12:00 am
Tokyo, Japan: Sunday, January 10, 2021
Tokyo, Japan: 5:00 am to 8:00 am
We will take a 20 min break midway point.
For you time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
(Please compare your city to starting time of 3:00 pm, New York, USA.)