By Phone: 6 to 8:30 pm Arizona & Pacific Time 7 to 9:30 pm Mountain
8 to 10:30 pm Central 9 to 11:30 pm Eastern 3 pm to 5:30 pm Hawaii
At this auspicious time in May, the Buddhas, Masters, and Beings of Earth's Enlightened Support System gather in the Himalayas,
to ignite the energies of Earth's Spiritual Evolution for the next year.
Celebrations and Ceremonies occur worldwide, to honor the birth and Enlightenment of Buddha, and to support the new enlightening energies for our Earth. As the Earth accelerates in Enlightenment, our bodies are transforming to accommodate these powers, and support systems are building through us to accelerate enlightenment in all beings.

Join Quan Yin for this powerful celebration and support in enlightened experience.
Quan Yin will envelope us in ecstatic physical enlightenment,
ignite the portal inside of you to enlighten all,
and extend enlightened support into this Earth, from your body.
The new energy systems needed on Earth at this time will be grounded through you.
Healing occurs; dissolving trauma, disruption and disease.
Your body, mind, heart and soul ignite into enlightened experience.
Your body changes form to accommodate these powers.
You use these powers to create enlightening new possibilities for yourself and our world.
You feel blissful, powerful, grounded, and emanate your powers to others.
We circulate these powers between us, accelerating them for the planet to shift into enlightened support.
And we have a lot of fun together.
We will create:
Magnificent powers in our bodies.
Enlightened experience in our hearts.
Transformational energies in all of our connections, no one is outside of this.
Transforming our work and our world in connection with each other.
Transforming our experience together to magnify these powers.
Celebrating connection in a manor that is accelerating to this power.
Opening portals to align these powers into this Earth.
And transformation occurring in all experiences.
QuanYin States:
"You are magnificent in your powers together. You transform this Earth in your magnificence. You are not going to need to push things in your lives. You have transformed each other. And everyone is included. Your lives are shifting now. You are creating much experience of enlightenment. You are changing this earth together. And transformation is occurring in everyone's bodies.
"You are transforming your world in complete enlightened support. You are challenging yourself to create magnificence in every part of your experience. Notice the shift here, that you are creating in your life. Notice how different you are these days, in every part of your being. Notice how different you are being, in your world, and your world experience. Notice the difference in your heart, and understand that it is easier to be powerful, than to be without this power.
"You are transforming your Earth. Amma. And it is completely experienced in enlightened support. You are transforming everyone. Amma. You are magnificent and accelerating completely in this power. Amma. Thank the Gods for this support, and let yourself completely enlighten. Amma."
$25 Per Person
$20 Current Enlightened Circle Members
Registration below by paypal or check