Supporting Each Other in Magnificence
Enlightened Support Ignition with Quan Yin
As Channeled in Full Energetic Embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak

Sunday, December 14, 2014
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or Listen to Recordings Online
In person in Sedona: 12:45 pm to 5:00 pm
By Phone: Pacific Time: Noon to 4 pm Arizona & Mountain Time: 1 to 5 pm Central Time: 2 to 6 pm
Eastern Time: 3 to 7 pm Hawaii Time: 10 am to 2 pm
London Time: 8 pm til Midnight
To find your time zone:
45 minute break mid point.
QuanYin's Message:
"Enlightened Support is transforming everyone's bodies at this time. No one is outside of this. Everyone is enlightening, all together. This is magnificent to understand. We are transforming our Earth in this power. We are transforming our world together. We are changing our way of being together. We are magnificent in our powers together and we are changing our Earth completely in this time frame.
"We are going to make a lot of powerful things happen for all at this time. We are changing magnificently, and working a lot of powerful things out. You are likely to create new things in your life right now that help all beings. You are going change your way of being in your work and your world. We are changing all of the things that are going on around us in this Earth experience.
"You are far more powerful than you can possibly imagine at this time. You go beyond your personal energy systems and to all beings to create all kinds of experiences on this Earth. You give help to everyone in this world, and change the magnificence into opportunities in your heart's experience.
"Notice that you are changing, and that every portal is opened in parts of the world that have not had this power before. You are changing everything now. Know your body is important and supporting this endeavor of magnificence in all experiences. You are changing every thing in this Earth experience.
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Say yes to all of it, and crown this particular experience in God conscious support. Amma."
Quan Yin's Intentions for December 14th's Event:
"45 Levels of Consciousness will accelerate in each person's body.
You will transform your body in enlightened experience.
You will enlighten each other in exciting enlightened support systems.
You will change your way of being together to accommodate these new powers.
You will transform your energy systems to accelerate in this power.
You will give help to each other to accommodate this power.
You will heal, support and accelerate your bodies to celebrate this enlightened support.
You will enlighten and celebrate each other magnificently.
You will create enlightened support in every experience in your life."
And we will have a lot of fun together.
Join Quan Yin for this Powerful Enlightenment Experience.
$45 per person
$40 per Current Enlightened Circle Member
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or Listen to Recordings Online
Sedona Location:
Quan Yin Creation Center
49 Redstone Drive, Sedona AZ 86336
Please arrive in person by 12:45 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 1 pm.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from Whole Foods.
We take a 45 minute break at midpoint. Please bring snacks to share.
From Whole Foods in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek Canyon. Go right onto Hwy 179 until you reach the next round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just past King's Ransom Hotel.)
Go left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign. Within a block Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on the right on the corner, with the purple jeweled mail box. Please park in the driveway if possible.