We Are All Making Incredible Progress in Our Planetary Awakening!
Join Quan Yin for Magnificent Continuous Experience of Enlightened Support:
Everyone Enlightening Completely
Quan Yin Channeled in Full Energetic Embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak

Saturday, February 21, 2015
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or Listen to Recordings Online
In person in Sedona: 1:45 pm to 6:00 pm
By Phone: 1:00-5:00 pm Pacific, 2:00-6:00 pm Arizona & Mountain, 3:00-7:00 pm Central,
4:00-8:00 pm Eastern, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Hawaii
9:00 pm to 1:00 am London
To find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
45 minute break mid point.
Quan Yin's Message:
"All beings are transforming at this time. We are all transforming each other. No one is outside of this magnificent enlightening experience at this time.
"We are all giving help to each other now. Everyone is supporting each other in enlightenment. We are all transforming together. And everyone is powerful in this experience. No one is outside of this experience. We are all connecting in this power. We are all magnificent in this experience. Let that be what is occurring for you, in every experience. Let the transformation occur completely, in every experience.
"Notice the difference in your body. Notice the power that you carry. Notice how easy your body is becoming in this energy. Notice the way you are feeling in your heart. And magnificence is occurring here. And notice the transformation that is occurring in everyone's bodies. We are working magic together. We are magnificent in our powers. We are connecting to each other in our powers. We are opening portals together to magnify these powers. We are transforming our Earth together.
"Let your transformation be swift and easy. Let your power support each others transformation. Let your magnificence accelerate. And give help to everyone's powers enlightening completely. You are transforming this earth here. It is time for all beings to celebrate enlightened support together. Amma. And thank the gods for this enlightened connection. Is is magnificent to behold in your body. What a powerful support! What a magnificent support system!
"Amma! What a transformation experience of enlightening this Earth together! That is magnificence indeed! Your body is transforming everything. Yes indeed! Amma!"
Join Quan Yin to Experience and Create:
Everyone Enlightening Each Other
Everyone Enlightening Connection to Each Other
Everyone Magnifying Their Powers
Everyone Transforming Each Other
Everyone Transforming Each Other's Powers
Every Body Accelerating in Power
Every Experience Enlightening Completely
Every Transformation Enlightening This Earth
All Beings Transforming Together
Everyone Transforming Everything Completely
All Experiences Enlightening Continuously
Enlightened Support Transforming Everyone's Experience
Everyone Experiencing Magnificence in Their Bodies
Each person is this experience will manifest enlightened support powerfully in their bodies, and celebrate the powers that are now available to each person in this Earth experience. QuanYin will create new powers in our bodies that support the way that all beings are enlightening at this time.
And we will have a lot of fun together.
$45 per person by phone
$40 in person in Sedona
$40 Current Enlightened Circle Member
Bring-a-Buddy by phone: $40 per person (separate phone lines OK)
Attend In Person in Sedona Or by Teleconference Or Listen to Recordings Online
Sedona Location:
Quan Yin Creation Center
49 Redstone Drive, Sedona AZ 86336
Please arrive in person by 1:45 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 2 pm.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from Whole Foods.
We take a 45 minute break at midpoint and enjoy the garden. Bring snacks to share if you would like.
From Whole Foods in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek Canyon. Go right onto Hwy 179 until you reach the next round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just past King's Ransom Hotel.)
Go left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign. Within a block Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on the right, with the purple jeweled mail box. Please park in the driveway if possible.