Celebrate Buddha's Enlightenment Day with Quan Yin
and Ignite Earth's Spiritual New Year:
Wesak Enlightenment Celebration

QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak
Friday May 23, 2014
Attend In Person in Sedona
Or by Teleconference Or listen to Recordings Online
In person: 4:15 pm to 8:30 pm
By Phone: 4:30-8:30 pm Pacific & Arizona, 5:30-9:30 pm Mountain, 6:30-10:30 pm Central,
7:30-11:30 pm Eastern, 1:30 - 4:30 pm Hawaii.
To find your time zone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Half hour break mid point.
Wesak, Buddha's Birth and Enlightenment Day, is a Glorious May in May.
On this auspicious day, all the Buddhas, Masters, and Beings of Earth's Enlightened Support System gather in the Himalayas,
to set the energies of Earth's Spiritual Evolution for the next year.
Celebrations and Ceremonies occur worldwide to honor Buddha, and to support the new enlightening energies for our Earth.

Join Quan Yin for this powerful celebration and support in enlightened experience.
Quan Yin will help us in ecstatic physical enlightenment, dissolving trauma, disruption and disease,
igniting the portal inside of you to enlighten all, and giving enlighten support into this earth.
We are all magnificent in this power; healing occurs, your, body, mind, heart and soul ignite in higher experiences of enlightenment.
You body changes form to accommodate these powers, and you shift powers into new possibilities.
You feel blissful, powerful, grounded, and emanate your powers to others, enlightening them in your presence.
We circulate these powers between us, accelerating them for the planet to shift into enlightened support.
And we have a lot of fun together.
During this event, with Quan Yin and many Masters,
we will enlighten each other to experience:
Fortification of Enlightened Support Systems
New Energy Fields Circulating Through our Bodies
New Energy Systems Accelerating Into This Earth
New Memory Banks Being Established in Our Bodies
New Bodies of Enlightened Support Accelerating Into Our Experience
New Possibilities Supporting Our Experience in Enlightened Connection
New Babies Being Born in this Power
New Challenges Available to Us to Enlighten Our Experience
New Levels of Consciousness Shifting Our Bodies
New Energy Fields Circulating Into All Experiences
New Beings Shifting Their Bodies Into This Power
New Bodies Shifting Every Experience of Connection and Support
New Bodies Changing This World
QuanYin States:
"Life force is accelerating everyone's bodies.
We are all magnificent in our power. We are all connecting to each other. We are changing our way of being in connection with each other. We all magnify the powers together. We are changing each other's bodies.
We are transforming our world together.
We make powerful exciting things occur in connection with each other. We are all magnifying this power in connection with all beings. We are changing our world completely.
We are all magnifying each other's energies.
We each are giving help to many beings. We are transforming our experience and changing our bodies together. We are magnifying this enlightened support system in to this reality. It is changing everyone's experience. We are supporting everyone in enlightening each other. We are supporting everyone continuously. All of the time. This is important to give yourself. It is important to share it with others.
We are magnificent in our powers together.
It is all accelerating, and all experiencing enlightened support. NOW. That is important to see, to experience, to support, to enlighten into this world. We are changing our bodies to enlighten our experience. That is important. Amma.
Thank the Gods for this enlightened support.
And energize this enlightened experience in everyone's bodies. Amma. Thank the Gods for this enlightened experience. It is charming to carry this power. It is going to change everyone's bodies.
And say yes to all of the powers that are possible for yourself right now.
It is going to be a lot of fun to carry all this power. Amma. And a lot of fun to share it with all beings, in your body. Amma.

$45 per person
$40 per Current Enlightened Circle Member
49 Redstone Drive
Sedona AZ 86336
Please arrive in person by 4:15 pm; we start on teleconference exactly at 4:30 pm.
This location is about 10 minutes drive from New Frontier's.
We have a half hour break at midpoint. Please bring snacks to share.
From New Frontier's in West Sedona: Take Hwy 89A towards Oak Creek Canyon. Go right onto Hwy 179 until you reach the next round-about at Canyon Drive. (Just past King's Ransom Hotel.)
Go left up the hill on Canyon Drive. Go straight through the stop sign. Within a block Canyon Dr. turns into Redstone Drive. We are at 49 Redstone, on the right on the corner, with the purple jeweled mail box. Please park snugly in the driveway if at all possible. Our new neighborhood association prefers cars not be on the street.