Archives of Quan Yin Messages, Activations, and Source Experiences
Quan Yin channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
Quan Yin's messages are powerful encodements of Enlightenment/Source Powers.
Allow yourself to receive the full benefits by relaxing your body into a grounded state,
extending out your heart energies,
and saying YES to each powerful possibility she presents.
Her words can be repetitive, as they build energy and transformation throughout the message.
Enjoy your powers transforming into new possibilities!
Articles may be shared with credit to Laura Lee Lizak and Quan Yin, and website,
All Rights Reserved.
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Quan Yin's December 2021 Message/Activation:
"Enlightening Everyone's Experience"
Join Quan Yin Live for this powerful Activation:
Winter Solstice Transformational Constructs
USA: Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Europe and Tokyo: Wednesday December 22, 2021
"There are new energy systems that are circulating these days. There are many levels of consciousness that are shifting here today. They are continuously transforming everyone’s experience. There is new support opening portals into everyone’s bodies. This is more powerful than what has been going for ions of time. There are frequencies that are accelerating into new possibilities in everyone’s bodies. This is called transformational constructs of consciousness. This is called channeling Source into everyone’s bodies. This is called giving Source information into the Earth experience. This is called channeling Source into everything on this Earth. This is called channeling Source into God conscious support structures. And that is supporting everyone on this Earth.
Now let these new systems of consciousness finish themselves up. Let it be simple. Let is be exciting. Let it be easy. Let it be God consciousness accelerating. Let it all feel like it is important to be powerful in your body. Let your body have what it needs to create transformation in all experiences. And let the body transform into a new experience. Let it fall into new understanding of it’s own experience. Let it fill itself up with power and support for all experiences to channel Source. Now let that be what is occurring for everyone.
The new energy systems are giving support to all being’s bodies. That is a support system that grounds the levels of consciousness into everyone’s experience. Therefore, all beings are channeling Source together, to ground this Source information into every experience on this Earth. Now that is transformational to everyone bodies. That is giving support to the information that is needed to create this transformational construct. This is simple. It is supportive to everyone. This is going to transform everything into new possibilities to create transformation for everyone. That is going on here. It is simpler than it seems. It is just full of consciousness, this power structuring. It is full of love, and support, and levels of consciousness that celebrate the transformation that is occurring in everyone’s bodies.
We are supporting each other here, in this magnificent support structure, to create this transformation. Everyone is included into this magnificent support. Everyone is giving support to each other, and grounding Source, and enlightening each other, and working into new understanding of our Godness and our God consciousness. We are supporting this transformation into new God Consciousness, into new understanding of our power systems. Therefore, the levels of consciousness are growing to lighten the Earth. Amma.
Now, this is a lot easier than it looks. It looks so simple from where I am experiencing it. It looks so easy to create all this support, that your body is not even aware of the differences that are growing into your heart. Let that be what is occurring now: That you are transformational; that you are simple; that you are easy with yourself. That your body is lighter than ever. That your heart is something to celebrate. That your blasphemy of yourself is no longer needed. That your body shifts into energy systems to celebrate the wonders of consciousness, and this is all that you are creating in your body systems. Simplify, enlighten, celebrate, magnify the Source intervention, and let the loving celebrate the new consciousness in everyone’s bodies. Amma.
Now that is what is going on for everyone. That is what is happening here. That is the way of consciousness
celebrating itself in your experience. Amma. Let that be what is happening for everyone. Let that be what is going on in your heart. Enjoy your consciousness, and celebrate all being’s consciousness. Amma. What a delight to let the love Source enlighten your body. Amma.
Let that simplify today and everyday. And see the shift in your body. See the love in your heart. See the witness in your experience. And believe in the wonders of the Source. Today, delight in the loving that you are. Amma. And realize, you gave this to yourself to celebrate the transformation that is accelerating into all being’s bodies. That is what is now occurring in your experience. Amma. Let it fall into place so fully that your heart is ever expanding to accommodate this Source. Let the life force of Source permeate your body. Let it permeate every part of your heart. Let it permeate your heart energy systems. Let it permeate the people who want to power up the world together. And let it enlighten everyone who wants to celebrate the goodness of Godness that is available to everyone. Just say YES to all of this, and it will all be powerful and exciting in your reality. Amma."
This message is empowered to create the transformation in your body that is needed right now.
Celebrate it in your body experience by saying YES to all of the possibilities that are available here.
"In the God Consciousness that is happening at this time, there are more people than ever in their powers. There are more people than ever who are wanting to transform the Earth. There are more people than ever that are creating transformation in consciousness. There are more people than ever that are supporting each other in the systems that are moving thru to everyone's bodies.
We each transform each other into new possibilities. We each circulate transformation into new reality structures. We each planetiize our body systems to incorporate new energy systems to envelope the Earth. New body structures are planetizing everyone. New systems are incorporating into everyone's experience. We necessitate the consciousness to envelope each other into these structures. We each incorporate this energy system to make certain that all beings are supporting each in this power.
We noticeably shift when the consciousness is accelerated into everyone's experience. And we empower the consciousness if we say yes to these transformations. Now let that be what is happening for your body. Let that be what is channeling thru you. Let your heart be maintained in this support. Let your body be the one who knows what to do with this power. And let it be so simple that you entertain the structures into new possibilities that are enlightening to everyone's bodies.
It is so much simpler than it was before. So much simpler to create the energy systems, that all beings are likely to make certain that everyone is involved in this new energy system. So no one is outside of this, and no one is needing to be in any hardship here. There is need to recognize that your body is different than it was before; different than it was in the purposes of solving dilemmas. Different than it was when it was figuring out how to handle the difficulties on this Earth.
There is need to recognize that your family of consciousness is simply enlightening to everyone. That is needed to recognize so that everyone can understand the power structures. You are feeling your transformation. You are living in this support. You are leaving out hardships, and enlivening each other.
There is more power than ever was, in any form, that is transformational to all beings. Let it all fall into place. And be that planetary portal that enlivens everyone's bodies. Let it be simple now. Do the things that are exciting, do the things that are enlightening, and do the things that enliven everyone's bodies. Notice the shift here.
Notice that you make certain that you are powerful when you decide to create this for yourself. And notice that you did not come here to hardship each other. You did not come here to be in hardship. You came to enliven God consciousness in your body experience. Notice the shift. You did this to create your transformation. Notice the shift. Now that is good enough for everyone to create continuously, in every experience. Allow that transformation. Give it out. Celebrate the beingness that you are, and let yourself continuously connect Source into everyone's bodies. and everyone enlightens into new possibilities for this Earth.
That is the need of the hour. Be that support. Level into consciousness. Let it all be supportive to your body systems. And be the support that is needed on this Earth. You are transformational. You are God conscious support in action. Enjoy the ways you can create in this power. And notice the shifts you are delivering to the world. Let it all fall into place. New energies, new systems, new support, new support systems. Notice the difference when you say YES to all of this. Good job. And let it be easy in every experience."
Quan Yin's Message/Activation for the New Year 2021:
"Giving Support to Everyone in Every Experience"
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak
Join us for:
2021 New Year's Transformation
A Day of Creating Magnificence for our Earth
Live with Quan Yin
USA: Saturday, January 9, 2021

"There are a lot of people that are changing right now. We are more powerful than we have ever been. We are changing everything together. We maintain these structures in every experience. We channel Source in every experience in our reality. We are maintaining structures of consciousness to change the Earth. We are all managing Source to create this transformation.
Now every person on the Earth is shifting. Every being is changing. Every part of our change is supporting every part of our reality. We are growing more power than ever in this construct of consciousness. We are changing everyone's bodies, everyone's experience, managing Source, to create what is most powerful and important for the Earth. Everyone is magnificent in these powers. We each are important and create transformation in everyone's bodies.
Now power does not need to be pushed, it needs to be supported. It needs to be integrated. It needs to be consciousness in support. It needs to be supported in every possible fabrication of consciousness. We are magnificent in our support structures. We maintain circulatory structures to celebrate this transformation. Amma. Good job.
Let this support system celebrate continuously, for all beings. Let it be easy to be powerful. Let your body give it's help to everyone. Let your God Consciousness support everyone's hearts. Let your managing of power ground thru to all beings. Let your transformation accelerate everyone's bodies. And let your body be supported in all of this power. Amma. It is God Consciousness that is occurring here. It is grounding thru to all beings. Let that be what is sharing itself thru you. And let it be transformational in every experience. And see that is is necessary here, to transform everyone, in every experience, in every experience of consciousness that comes thru you. Amma. Good job.
Now let that be always occurring in every experience, in every experience of consciousness. Open portals wide, enlighten continuously, and celebrate this transformation all of the time. Amma. All right then. It is God consciousness here, in every experience. Let it be what it wants to be, continuously. Thank you for all of this power. And notice the shifts that are occurring in this transformation. Amma. Good job to be this supportive to everyone's bodies. And celebrate this all of the time. Thank you. Give it to your help, to your God conscious support, and to every body's experience. Amma. And say yes to all of it continuously occurring in every experience. Amma. You are all ready for this transformation. Let it all fall into place.
Let's create what is magnificently exciting for our New Year with all this power!"

Quan Yin's Message about the historic Planetary Transformation event:
Shift of the Consciousness of the Earth
A Day of Transformation for All Beings
Live with Quan Yin
QuanYin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
USA Monday, December 21, 2020
"All beings are transforming now. We each have transformation. We each have consciousness. We have consciousness accelerating. It is noticeably different in this Earth experience than it ever has been. It is time for it to be changing completely, into everything experiencing consciousness all of the time. It is time for it to transform into experiences of conscious support for all being's bodies. It is going to transform completely into whatever is exciting for your body's experience. This is important to recognize, and to transform into. Let it figure itself out in your body. Let you be the transformer. Let you be the transformational construct. Let you be the planetary experience of transformation, to construct consciousness in all beings bodies.
Let it fall into place here. Let your family of consciousness accelerate transformation into everyone's experience. Let your family of consciousness shift everyone's bodies, and be that magnificent, that we all transform continuously. There are so many people that want to share these powers now. Let it all fall into place. Let the beingness transform into whatever is exciting, let your bodies be what they want to be, and let your heart be enlightening in continuous support of all beings. Say yes to all of that. Say yes to enlightening everyone. Say yes to God consciousness accelerating into everyone's experience. Say yes to being transformational continuously. Say yes to being always in connection to Source. And let your magnificence come thru to all being's bodies, so you can channel enlightened support into every experience on the Earth. Say yes to transformation all of the time giving Source thru you, and celebrating everything on this Earth. Amma. Good job.
It is now powerful to be whatever you want to be. It is important to share your transformation. It is God conscious support that you are sharing with others. It is magnificence to transform each other. Let that fall into place here. Let yourself be this transformational. And let your God Consciousness accelerate continuously and completely into every experience on this planet. Amma. Good job dear hearts. You are managing Source, and enlightening everyone, and planetizing all of the powers that are needed right now. Let that be what is going on for everyone. Thank you for this transformation. Let it be simple, let it be exciting, let it be God Conscious support that is moving thru your heart. And may your managing of this power be transformational for all beings.
God Consciousness is very exciting to play with! Amma!
Mass Enlightenment is Occurring.
Let's create what is magnificently exciting for our world with all this power!
Quan Yin's New Message/Activation:
"Enlightening Everyone All of the Time"
July 31, 2020
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak

Accelerate transformation by saying YES to each thought that Quan Yin presents:
"Let your body be powerful all of the time. Let yourself be magnificent in your powers.
Let your God consciousness accelerate, and give it out continuously. Let all the beings on this Earth be transformational, all of the time. Let your heart be simple with all of this. Let your body be transformed all of the time. Thank the Gods for this transformation, and let your God consciousness support everyone's bodies. And all beings are enlightening continuously. Amma.
Now let that support continuously accelerate. And give it out continuously.
And let everyone connect in these powers. And let everyone continuously support each other. And beingness supports this transformation accelerating for all beings. Amma. Notice the gifts, and support each other in this planetary support system.
Now let it all fall into place. Into the new energy structures.
Let is all support the transformation that is important in this world. Let it all be enlightening. Let it all support enlightened connection. Let there be no pushiness. And give it continuously to all beings. Amma. It is God consciousness here. It is God consciousness in support, acceleration, and God conscious experience.
Now let the support systems accelerate completely, into God-Conscious support in every experience.
Let it all support enlightenment continuously. Amma. Now let that be what is continuously occurring, in all beings experience. Give it out to all beings. And delight in this transformation. Amma. Give it out, now, and let it all be exciting.
And let yourself have this continuous support. And support everyone in this power structure.
Notice the shifts here. Notice how powerful you are. Notice the gifts that you are carrying, in all experiences. And notice the enlightened support in your God Conscious experience. You are a planetizer. A portalizer. A creator of consciousness in every experience. You are the magnificent one that enlightens the Earth, in all experiences.
Notice the gifts that you are giving to yourself in this support structure. And be that empowerment, continuously.
We are gifts to Earth in this power system. We are gifts to the planet as we give this support. We are gifts to ourselves as give this support to others. And we continuously support this magnificent support structure to give it to each other and all beings.
What does it feel like to power up the Earth? Are you magnificent on your powers?
Are you giving enlightened support to planetary structuress? And drowning in histories of sorrows, or creating new possibilities. Let ti all be easy. Let it be what you want to create for yourself. Let it empower all Beings. Notice the shifts, in everyone's bodies. Now this is God Consciousness. This is planetary portalization. Let it be powerful here. Let your body enlighten everything. And let you be that important, that exciting, that powerful, that your heart is enlightening continuously. Amma.
It is going to be a lot of fun to carry out this endeavor of transforming the earth in every experience.
Since in is easy in this power, say yes to it all continuously occurring for all beings. Amma. Give it out to everyone. Amma. It is going to be so much fun we are not going to know what to do with all this fun. But it will be alright, we enamor each other with power, and lighten the Earth together.
We have lots of fun carrying out these power structures.
We are the believers, the transformers. the life-force activators. We are the consciousness connectors. We are the planetary Source experiencers. And we give it out all of the time. Amma. Good job. Let it be what it wants to be. And let it feel like it is magnificent. And let it all fall in to place so beautifully, that we never worry about anything.
Good job dear hearts. We are planetary portalizers in God conscious support.
And let it be easy to create this transformation. Continuously. Honor the power that you carry. And be powerful all of the time."
Quan Yin's Message
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak July 10, 2020
"Supporting Continuous Enlightenment"

"Magnificence is continuously accelerating on this Earth right now.
We are magnificently supporting each other in new possibilities. We are giving support continuously to each other. We are making progress into new possibilities for our planet. There are many levels of consciousness that are sorting themselves out. We are planetizing our energy systems into new experience that is God Conscious in it's constructs. We are planetizing portals here. We are giving into support systems the consciousness that is needed right now.
You are being changed in this powerful time.
Your bodies are changing everyone's experience. We are all magnificently enlightening continuously now. We are all experiencing God Conscious support in every experience. New energy structures are celebrating this transformational construct. You are planetizing your portals of power. You are all being magnificently enlightening to each other. Let that be what is occurring, in everyone's experience.
Let you be that transformational.
Let your heart be that simple, that you God-Consciously support everything. Let it all fall easily into place. Let the God-Consciousness simply experience transformation. All beings are transforming here. We are magnificence continuously occurring. Let it all be simple. Let it all enlighten. Let God-Consciousness simplify everything into new possibilities that God-Consciously support this Earth. Amma.
Let it all be simple now. Be that power.
Align that Source. Enlighten everyone. Give it out all of the time. Say yes to all of that. And manage Source. Levels of consciousness need to be shifted for everyone now. Be that change. Be that support. Liven the Earth in your God Conscious support. And manufacture God Consciousness in every experience on the planet. Amma.
We are manufacturing connection to Source in all experiences.
Thank the Gods for this transformation, and beingness is enlightening in all experiences. Amma."
Quan Yin's Message
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak
June 10, 2020
"Supporting Each Other"
"What if all of this was just a power struggle?
What if we each had power, and allowed that to continuously occur in our reality? What if we each powered up the Earth, and everyone is transforming, everyone is enlightening, every body is accelerating, power structures are accelerating, and everyone came to be powerful together, all of the time? What if we all transformed continuously, everyone was transforming each other, and God conscious support was transforming every being on this Earth? What if everyone created transformation all of the time? We if we never had hardship, and never had hardship connections with each other? What if you forgave everything and everyone all of time, and never had hardship for yourself? Are you ready for all of that? Are you ready to connect Source into every experience on this planet? Are you ready to transform connection into every experience? What does it feel like? Are you creating a lot of power here?
You can maintain these support structures continuously.
You are creating this kind of support, in every experience continuously now. There are new systems accelerating here in this reality. You are planning these events. Your body is creating this transformation. Your body is systematically integrating this energy system into this Earth, at this time. You are channeling Source thru to all being's bodies. That is the transformation that is occurring right now. We are all planetizing our transformational consciousness. We are all supporting each other in this transformation. We are all pleasing each other in consciousness. It is all part of experiential consciousness support that is occurring in all experiences right now. You are transforming planetary experience, in every experience you are a part of. Let it all fall into place for everyone. Let it all be powerful together. Let it all planetize new experiences for all being's bodies. Amma.
There are transformations that are easily happening now.
You are God consciousness; you are connecting Source to all beings right now. You are planetizing your portals. You are planetizing your consciousness structures. Your families of consciousness are shifting everything here. We please each other in these powers, and enlighten continuously. All beings are supporting these energy systems now.
Please be powerful with yourself. Let your heart be easy with all of this.
It is going to be very easy for people to join forces now, to create transformation for all beings together. Let that be what is serving your body's experience. Let it be simple that everyone is transforming in connection to Source. Let the power structures easily assemble to create this transformation in all experiences. Be that portal power. Align in these portals of consciousness. Give that to yourself. Celebrate the transformations that are possible right now. Let is all support consciousness accelerating here. Let it be so simple that you are not in hardship in any form. Let your heart simplify all of this experience. Let it simplify everything for your body. Be that power. Be that support. Be that energy system that consciously accelerates support systems for all beings. Let is all be easy for you to create. Let is all be powerful. Let yourself be transformed in the process, and celebrate transformation to continuously accelerate for all beings. Let it fall into place like nothing is hardship at all.
Beingness is supporting everyone's bodies.
Let your hearts be simple with this. Let your management of this Source accelerate the transformation that is happening in everyone's bodies. Be that powerful, let it simplify, and give to yourself the power that enlightens all beings. Support that shift. Give it to yourself all of the time. Let it finish itself. Let your heart be transformed continuously. And let everyone connect Source into their power structures. Amma. Give it out, send to everyone, and let it all be easy, in every experience, to transform the Earth. Give God consciousness to your support systems, and celebrate the transformation that is occurring in everyone's experience. You are managing your Source into new possibilities for the Earth. Align the portals. Lift the consciousness. Give support to each other. Enlighten continuously. Thank you."
Quan Yin's Message
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak April 21, 2020
"Giving Support to Everyone's Bodies"

This message is a global service activation by Quan Yin.
She suggests sitting in consciousness as you read,
and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system for all beings:
"There are powerful portals that are opening for everyone's bodies.
There are intense energy systems circulating these days. There are powers that portalize people's power structures. There are energy systems that are circulating for everyone. There are power structures included in everyone's experience. There are portals that are widening for everyone's bodies. Let that fall into place for everyone; that no one is outside of this power; that we planetize these portals and energize everyone's experience. Let that be how this works out. Let it be simple for people to power up these days. Let it be portalizing for everyone right now. Let them all support each other in this structure. Let the planetization allow for all people to be changed in this consciousness; feeling the support, the support systems, coming into place.
Notice that your powers do not need to be in any sort of hardship.
Notice that the power structures do not hurt anyone. Notice that the power structures do not hurt anyone's experience. Notice that the power structures do not hurt anyone's bodies. Notice it is different now; that planetization does not come to be pushing anything. Notice that the powers are not different if you are pushing things.
Notice that your energy systems are circulating support;
that you are the transformation that is energizing the Earth in every experience.
Notice the gifts that you are carrying in everyone's experience. Notice that God Consciousness does not need to be hardship in any form; that bodies do not need to be pushing each other; that everyone has enlightened support; that power structures are easy to work with, and everyone can come to creation. Notice the shift, and notice the experience of supporting all beings in this consciousness. Let it be that it is simple for this to occur and everyone can change support into God Consciousness.
Let it all be simple. Let it all finish up into support systems that enlighten the planet.
Let it be supportive to energize the Earth in consciousness. And let the support systems support each other continuously. Thank you. You are magnificent in your power, and energizing the Earth is managing that support. Amma. It is time to change the construct into new possibilities. Allow that to be so, now. Thank you. All beings are shifting. Celebrate that shift. Continuously enlighten everyone. Today. Thank you."
Quan Yin's Message
Channeled Thru Laura Lee Lizak April 2, 2020
"Enlightening Continuously for All Beings to Transform"
This following message is a divine activation for the highest outcome of the Cronavirus situation.
We also recommend compassionate safety practices: social distancing, using protective and sanitizing measures,
boosting your immune system, and high dosages of vitamin C.
And help whomever and however you can.
Building this new planetary support system is our world transformation.

Allow yourself to receive the full benefits by relaxing your body into a grounded state,
extending your heart energies,
and saying YES to each powerful possibility she presents.
"How do feel when you are telling each other that this pandemic structure is about hardship? What if you said it was all about power? That every person on this Earth is shifting into consciousness? What if you said it is available to create whatever you wanted in this power? What if you said it was going to be so exciting to experience this transformation, that everyone enlightens continuously?
What if giving help to each other is the management of this power?
What if giving support to each other is giving support to yourself? What if supporting the energy system of enlightened support is the consciousness needed to create new support structures for the world? What if this is all experienced as the power structures of enlightened support? What if you gave this to the structures of the planet? What if you are so supportive that you can transform this experience into creational power structures that enlightened everyone?
How do you create that for yourselves? How do you give it out? How do you accelerate into this structure?
How are you going to transform the planet? How are you going to shift the energy systems? How are you going to support this energy system of enlightened support? What is your trauma that needs to be released? What if you said yes to that being all completed? What if you didn't do anything that was hardship for you? What if you created new energies systems that were so powerful, that everyone enlightened continuously?
How do you create that for yourself? You decide to create transformation in every experience.
You enlighten in all experiences. You support every experience in consciousness. And you decide to create that continuously. It is simple. It is transformational. It is consciousness in all experiences. Open the portals. Celebrate this transformation, and give it out. Everyone is celebrating this support in some form. Let them all be exciting to themselves. And let this all support the life force activation that is occurring in everyone's bodies. Amma. Thank you. Let it all be simple. And let it all be exciting to your body. Thank you. It is not hardship if we decide to create otherwise. It is support to create what is needed on this Earth at this time. Thank you for letting that be what is going on here. Amma."
Dear Hearts,
This message and following video is an activation for the highest outcome of the Cronavirus Pandemic.
We also recommend staying in isolation, using protective and sanitizing measures, boosting your immune system, etc.
As the energies of the planet have been accelerating dramatically, many have not integrated them because they have been "pushing things too hard in their lives." So as we slow our lives down, the integration of these enlightened support structures into our bodies, lives and planetary systems is now occurring en masse.
Let's allow that to be the magnificence of this time. Mass enlightenment is at hand.
Quan Yin's Support Message in the Midst of Global Pandemic Experience:
March 28, 2020
Channeled Thru Laura Lee Lizak

"Magnificent Acceleration is Occurring for All Beings at This Time"
"We are in the midst of a transformation beyond our wildest imaginings.
Changes in the consciousness structures of our Earth are magnificently occurring. Many many people are shifting now. There are so many that are shifting into creation, into consciousness, that everyone is accelerating the transformation on the Earth. No one is outside of this. It is all falling into place. It is never a hardship to be this powerful. We are giving each other the enlightened support structure that is needed right now. We are all in great support of the transformation that is now occurring in continuous acceleration.
Everyone is simplifying. Everyone is accelerating.
There is nothing to be concerned about. All beings and all things are transforming into enlightened support structures. We are all better than we were before. We cannot have hardship is this power structure. It is integrating consciousness into the Earth. It is energizing everyone's experience.
We are all portalizing the transformation that is experiencing itself in our bodies.
We are all creating transformation in every experience. We all enlighten in continuous support at this time. It is commonplace for the life force to enlighten everyone's bodies. We are that light of consciousness in every experience. We transform this Earth in our connections to our Source. We celebrate this God Consciousness in God-support systems. We demonstrate our consciousness in our connections to the work that we are creating in this transformational time.
It is not time to hurt; it is time to enlighten.
It is time to enlighten everything on this Earth. That is the shift of the hour. That is the transformational consciousness experience we are a part of, all of the time now.
Let it all fall into place. Let the transformation occur in all experiences on this Earth.
Let you be the transformational power structure that aligns everything to this Earth. Let your heart be the part of your experience that is most pronounced. If everyone enlightened in this support system, you would not be in any troubles, in any hardships, or in any subjugations of disruption in any form. Your body is not the needed support system, it is your heart. Your heart is the transformer in every experience. Amma. What a shift it makes to celebrate the heart transformation in all experiences. Celebrate that here. And let it all fall into place. Let simplicity happen.
Let yourself be so powerful that all bodies are enlightened in your presence.
Let your transformation completely occur in every experience. Let your life force continuously transform every experience. In every experience you are magnificent. Support yourself in this energy system. It is common for all the powers to just fall into place at this time. Believe in your portal and say yes to it always transforming the world.
We are going to change a lot of things these days. We are affecting everything in our powers.
Enlighten. Experience the life force you are creating for yourself here. Do the things that support the work that excites you. And give to yourself the transformation that is needed today. Thank you. It is time to transform everyone's bodies. That is the shift of the hour. Do it today, in your heart, and begin the process of transforming everyone's hearts, bodies, minds, and souls. Amma.
Let it all be easy. Let it all be supportive. And decide to do the things you see to be needed.
Be the person that always allows the movement of consciousness into the Earth in your body's experience. Amma. Good Job. Celebrate all of this, in God magnificence, and everyone enlightens in every experience on this Earth. Amma. Thank you. And do this all of the time; say yes to all of this always occurring in your body's experience. Transform everyone continuously, and your body will always be exciting to itself."
For more pandemic support, click to see Quan Yin's Video Meditation.
Quan Yin's March 2020 Message
Channeled thru Laura Lee Lizak
Join Quan Yin live for this Magnificently Powerful Support Activation:
"Enlightening Source Connections in All Beings"
Sunday March 22, 2020

This message is a global service activation by Quan Yin.
She suggests sitting in consciousness as you read,
and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system for all beings:
"There are transformations happening for everyone right now.
There are power structures that are creating support in everyone's bodies. There are planetary shifts that are accelerating. There are managements of these powers that are occurring. There are planetary shifts that are sharing energy into every experience. You are changing the Earth here. You are planetizing this power. You are transforming the energy structures of the planet. Amma.
There are planetary spheres that have transformed in this manor before.
There are elements of connection to Source that are planetizing portals. There are planetizations of consciousness occurring in everyone's bodies. We each connect into this energy system. We each planetize our portals continuously at this time. We each enlighten continuously, in every experience. We are never in pushing at this time. We are needing to understand that about ourselves.
The energy systems circulate into and thru our bodies.
Each one is planetizing this energy system. Each one is connecting into Source energy structures, in every experience. There is no pushing here. We are all planetizing portals.
No one is outside of this structure.
In every portal enlightened support is occurring. In every power system, there is transformation occurring. Let it all happen easily; that no one is outside of this power, and all beings are supporting each other in this energy.
Now this portal widening does not simplify itself if you are pushing.
The way to work this magic is to transform the energy systems in your body structures. Let it simplify itself. Let it manage the powers easily. Let there be pandemic experience no longer. Let your body transform each and every part of it's experience. Let it all fall into place, in alignment with consciousness.
That is what is needed right now. Let us transform the Earth continuously.
Let it all fall into place simply. Let there be support in every part of your being. And be that power all of the time. Let it release all of the hardships. Let it be easier than it was before. And let the energy systems circulate thru you. Let it all peel away the hardships of this planetary experience.
Noticably different kinds of powers are here now.
Let them all be what you want to be in your heart. Let your heart be easy with all of it, and planetize your portals continuously. Amma. Let it all be enlightening to everyone. Amma. Thank the gods for this transformation. And thank you for being this powerful all of the time.
It is commonplace to be this power in other reality systems.
Include yourself in the power structure. And let it be what you want it to be all of the time. AMMA. Let is simplify into powerful structures of consciousness. Let it all finish itself up, and create transformation in everyone's experience. Allow that to come into your heart, and planetizing a portal is an easy thing to do, in every experience.
It is alright to be this powerful. It is transforming everyone's bodies.
Let yourself be that transformed that you can accomplish anything that is exciting for you. Amma. Let your body be that portalized and exciting that it continuously accelerates in powers of conscious support. Everyone is transforming. Let it all be exciting and magnificently enlightening. Let it planetize all of the structures of consciousness that are magnificently accelerating on this Earth, so we can all channel Source, and give each other support all of the time.
Let it be simply easy. Let it be like falling into the arms of support. Let life fill you with consciousness.
And let it be simple enough to power up everyone on this Earth. Thank you. You are changing the world. Let it all experience itself as enlightenment, and let that be what is occurring for everyone. Amma. Thank the gods for this transformation, and let it all be powerful to transform the world in God conscious support. Amma."
Quan Yin's February 2020 Message/Meditation
Join Quan Yin for a Magnificent Celebration of Earth's Enlightenment!
2:20:2020 Earth Enlightenment Party
Supporting Everyone's Enlightenment in All Parts of Their Experience

"Let yourself be the transformation that is possible for this Earth.
Let it be that you are the person that enlightens consciousness into everyone's bodies. Let that be the support that you are creating to enlighten this planet continuously. Amma. Give enlightened support out, out, out, to all beings. Then, align that support thru you to create transformation in every experience on this Earth. Amma.
Let it be simple for you to create this transformation. Let it be simple to enlighten.
Let your heart be easy with all of this. And transform everything completely, in every experience, into transformational power structures that enlighten everything. We are that magnificently supportive to our reality transition.
Say yes to that in every experience, and allow that to continuously occur, in all being's experiences. Amma.
Let it all fall into place. Let it simplify. Let it easily occur. And notice the shifts that are aligning into everyone's bodies. We make support align into everyone's hearts, minds, bodies and souls, by saying yes to that possibility. Amma.
Align Source here, in this time. Let it all fall into perfect placement.
Generalize, and simplify, and everything falls into place to create transformation continuously. Say yes to Source transforming everyone's bodies continuously. And say yes to being enlightening continuously, in all experiences.
Notice the shifts you are creating today, in this moment in time.
Notice that you are not needing to worry about things. Let yourself be transformed. Let your body be powerful, and let your instruments of consciousness accelerate all of the time. Simplify. Enlighten. Support. Transform. Accelerate. Amma
Let us all transform each other,
and celebrate this God-conscious support system for our Earth!"
Quan Yin's August 2019 Activation and Support Message:
Join Quan Yin's August Activation Teleconference:
"Life Force Activation for All Beings"

This message is a global service activation by Quan Yin.
She suggests sitting in consciousness and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system:
"Levels of Consciousness are Shifting for All Beings Right Now."
"There are channels of energy that are moving thru everyone's bodies right now. There are channels that are sharing themselves into and thru this message. There are people who want to share these powers in connection to Source. There are many beings that are sharing these energies. Let us transform each other in this power structure. Let us share this transformation together. Let us manage these powers, in connection to Source, and celebrate this transformation in every experience.
Let that be what is occurring here.
Let it be simple now. Let your body transform the Earth. Let your transformation easily occur. Let everyone have this transformation completely occurring. Let you be that transformation. Let everyone's hearts be transformed completely into Source connection. Let that be what is happening in everyone's bodies.
You are that transformation. You are the enlightened support structure that is enlightening the Earth. You are the management of this power. You are the transformation occurring in everyone's bodies. That is what is occurring right now. Let that be what is occurring in every heart on this Earth. Share this transformation. Share the powers. Let the support come thru to you. Let your way of being shift. Say yes to all of this; to the many levels of consciousness shifting you. Saying yes to all of this is saying yes to the management of the power.
There is delight in this structure. Say yes to this transformation completely occurring all of the time. Do that today. And notice the shift in your body. Notice the beingness that you are, giving itself into this Earth experience. Notice the shift. That is consciousness. That is enlightened support. That is the beingness that everyone is creating in themselves at this time. Say yes to that.
It is NOW that we create this shift. You are the magnificent support that is occurring in the Earth experience. Notice the shift. Do you see yourself in this power? Thank you! Let it all fill you up…let is share itself thru you. Thank the Gods for this transformation. And let it all continuously occur, in all being's bodies. Thank you. Give it to yourself. Let it all channel thru you. And allow it to continuously occur. Amma. Good job, dear ones! Thank you for all of this power. And let it all share itself in your body. YES YES YES to all this power…Amma!
And tell everyone this power is occurring in their bodies; that they are magnificent in their powers, that they channel energy continuously, and that every person on this planet in continuously accelerating. Amma. Good job! It is occurring! It is accelerating! It is transformational experience. Amma. Let that be what is happening for everyone at this time. Thank you. You are changing the planet here. It is more powerful than ever to be aware and conscious at this time.
YES to all the transformation! YES to the transformation continuously occurring! YES to each person transforming each other! YES to being this immensely powerful continuously! YES to leveling out consciousness into all beings! YES to all beings sharing this transformation! Yes, indeed. It is all occurring at this time. Thank you for this power, and this support. and thank you for sharing each other's powers to enlighten all beings. It is time dear ones. It is THE time. Thank you for all the support you created in this planetary experience of enlightening each other. Thank you for witnessing this transformation, and thank you for sharing your Source. Amma. God conscious support is everywhere, and your support is in God Consciousness. Amma."
Quan Yin's July 2019 Activation and Support Message
Join Quan Yin for "Enlightening Collective Consciousness" July 21, 2019, or listen to the recording.

"Enlightened Source energies are grounding thru to everyone continuously right now."
Everyone is transforming each other. Your bodies are shifting continuously. All beings are transforming continuously, in every experience. No one is outside of this. Every being is in alignment with this power. Every transformation is accelerating continuously. Every being is accelerating in continuous creative connection to Source.
There are families of consciousness that are accelerating together, in conscious support of each other and the Earth.
You are enlightening each other all of the time, in every experience. That is how it works here. You are transforming together, all the time. Here is the energy that is grounding thru you: all energy systems accelerating continuously; all of the time connecting to Source. All of the families of consciousness are creating this support. Every experience is transforming this Earth into new possibilities in everyone's experience.
Your families of consciousness do not need to be part of any sort of hardships. They are already connecting to Source.
Your transformations are so supported, that everyone is included in your body's experience of immortal consciousness. This immortal consciousness is accelerating into every being. You are not a part of something that is hardship here.
You are magnificently important to this energy structuring.
Your family of consciousness is shifting you into more power than you can possibly imagine. It is all accelerating here in every experience. You are the transformers, in every experience. You are the God conscious support system that enlightens this world. You make certain that everyone transforms by allowing this occur. You are fabricating the plans that accelerate this transformation.
Let that be what occurs here; that you transform everything in every experience.
Thank the Gods for this transformation, and tell everyone that their powers are transforming continuously. Amma. You are creating experiences of consciousness for everyone's bodies. Noticeably different shift happens in this kind of power, than what was going on before. Noticeably different kinds of energies come thru to the Earth. And noticeably different kinds of supports come thru to your bodies.
Thank the Gods for this transformation, and believe in yourself.
And let everyone experience this power. Amma. Thank the Gods for this enlightened support; and transform everyone continuously. And thank the Gods for the transformation that you create, for your body is transforming everyone. Amma."
Quan Yin's Activation and June Support Message
Join Quan Yin for July 2, 2019 "The Day of Creation That Enlightens Everyone"
"This is the transformational time that has never been possible before on this Earth."
"There are more people available to these transformations than have ever been. Your bodies easily carry the powers now. Your life force is activating everyone else's life force. Your body is easily accelerating. You are transforming each other, in every experience. There are magnificent accelerations continuously occurring. No one is outside of this. We all transform each other. Everyone is accelerating, in every experience.
Notice this gift. Notice this shift. And be that person who is enlightening the Earth. Celebrate the ways that you are available to create this transformation. Thank the Gods for this life force, and for enlightening continuously. We are magnificent in connection to Source. Let that be what is occurring for you, in all experiences. Amma! You are the change! You are the transformation! You are the power to create whatever is exciting for this Earth!
Thanks the Gods that you are transforming everything in these gifts and shifts. Thank the Gods in this time of magnificent support. You can accelerate everything in consciousness; say YES to that. You are the support system. You are the experience of enlightenment occurring on this Earth. You are the transformation experience accelerating here. Omma. Thank the Gods for this transformation, and give it a lot of help by saying YES to all of transformation that is occurring here in our bodies. Thank you! AMMA!"
Quan Yin's May 2019 Activation and Support Message:
Join us for Quan Yin's Fabulously Fun Wesak 2019 Event
"The Life Force is activating into and through all beings at this time, in a manor that is particularly accelerative and transformational to all beings. We are being accelerated continuously into new possibilities that transform the Earth. Everyone is accelerating continuously, in every experience. We enlighten each other in every experience.
Now, every portal is widening to accommodate this power. Each and every experience is an accelerative connection to Source. There is no portal that is not accelerating on this Earth. Every experience is accelerating; every experience is transforming into new creative possibilities. We support each other in these powers, and no one is outside of this. No one is going to be in hardship in these powers.
Locate the part of you that knows how to power up the Earth, and give enlightened support to this planet. Say yes to that. Notice your shifts. Notice your power structures. Notice the planetary experience you are creating if you decide to create magnificence. Notice that your powers are not establishing hardship if you decide to enlighten every person on this planet. Notice the grief that releases in these power structures. Notice your planet is needing your experience of support. And give help continuously, in all experiences. You know the portals, you know the power, you are creators. Celebrate this transformation. Amma.
Celebration is in order at this time. New powers are experiencing themselves in everyone's bodies; no one outside of this. You are creating your own magnificent support, in every experience. Transformation is accelerating in every experience. CELEBRATE EVERYONE!! Power up each other continuously!! Amma!"
Quan Yin's Message &Activation for April 2019
Channeled by Laura Lee Lizak

"We are in the midst of unprecedented experiences of enlightened support in our reality.
Transformation is happening in everyone's bodies.
There are far more powers occurring in our bodies than have ever been available to us before.
There are more people jumping for joy in their powers than ever have been in their bodies before.
We are channeling each other's powers. We are shifting enlightenment into everything in our reality.
We are channeling the support into every experience in our world.
We are supporting each other continuously in this power structure of connection to Source.
We change everyone in this power support system. We enlighten in continuous acceleration.
We continuously enlighten each other. Amma.
There are magnificent support systems growing in everyone's bodies.
There are powers channeling into everyone's experience. There are supports in every experience.
There are possibilities awakening for everyone's bodies. It is growing for you. It is grounding in you.
It is challenging you to transform itself into new possibilities.
Take the time to enlighten each other. Take the time to power up the Earth.
Give help to this planetary experience, and challenge yourself to transform this planet.
It is easier than ever to create transformation here. It is more exciting than ever to be enlivening this Earth.
It is easier to experience enlightened support in your heart than ever. Your planet is enlightening everyone.
Your life force is transforming this Earth. Notice the shift.
And let yourself be magnificent in this power, in every experience.
Thank the Gods for this Enlightened Support System.
And thank the hearts that are enlightening each other, in continuous acceleration. Amma.
Thank the Gods for this transformation. And continuously connect to Source.
Let the transformation continuously accelerate. Amma."
Quan Yin's March Message for Spring Equinox/Cosmic Portal Awakening March 21, 2019
Channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
"The support systems are grounding through to the Earth at this time to increase the transformational powers,
to increase the channeling aspects of ourselves, and to enjoy this experience of grounding this support system.
You can accelerate this power, and decide to create transformation in everyone's experience.
You can create magnificence in your own reality; you are magnificent in your powers.
There are are fabrications of consciousness that are accelerating here, in everyone's experience,
and that is a noticeable shift to your body. It is going to be much easier to be powerful now.
You can channel the powers all of the time. You can experience the grounding of this support, in everyone's experience,
and no one is outside of this. You can transform this Earth continuously now.
You can experience the grand transformation in consciousness here. And you can accelerate continuously in these powers.
You can offer yourself this transformation, and deliver this support to everyone's bodies.
There is a simple technique that is very helpful, my dear Being of Love. Sit in consciousness, and say,
"I do not need to be a part of anything that is hardship. I don't need to be a part of this hardship experience,"
and it will go away.
It is typical of a human to have to push things around in their lives.
Let it be simple to be powerful, let it be powerful to be simple, and let your power bodies transform the Earth
in connection to Source. Amma. Let it be simple to transform this planet.
And let this love follow through to every part of your being. Amma.
Let the simpleness experience itself in your body. Let the power structures channel through you.
Give help to everyone on this Earth. And allow this transformation to celebrate continuously in your body. Amma."
Quan Yin's Message for February 2019 Enlightened Support Experience
Channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
"There are new accelerated energy systems circulating into everyone's experience, hearts, bodies, minds. You are channeling this power transformationally. You are indeed enlightening in every experience.
There is channeling happening in everyone's bodies. There is enough power to create anything you could possibly desire. There is enough power to create anything that is transformational and exciting to this Earth. Every experience is enlightening, and every person is enlightening each other. We are all magnificent in these exciting and powerful energy structures. Everyone is experiencing constant and exciting experiences of enlightened support.
Now, let that channeling happen into Source energies continuously. Notice the shift here. Notice that your body needs this power. It wants to challenge itself to be continuously accelerating in Source powers.
Now let this channeling happen into and through all beings. Let them all connect to Source and continuously increase their energy systems to enlighten the Earth. Thank the Gods for this channeling. There is enough power to transform everything in every experience. EVERY EXPERIENCE.
Now, portalize this power into everyone's bodies. Enlighten the power structures into all being's experience. And allow the transformation that is possible in this reality. We are transformational continuously now. Allow that to be what is occurring, and say yes to it completely occurring in everyone's bodies. Amma."
Quan Yin's Message for January 2019 Full Lunar Eclipse/Cosmic Infusion
Channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
"Portalizations are happening in everyone's bodies at this time.
Portalizations are happening in everyone's hearts. Enlightened support is grounding through your body. We are all experiencing this power. We all planetize this power, together, to accelerate the transformation for all beings. We all planetize enlightened support. Every person is a part of this, in every experience. No one is outside of this power. And that is important to recognize, and that is important to everyone's bodies.
Allow the children to be a part of this power structure. Let the little ones open their portals to transform this planet.
Let them all shine their powers to enlighten the earth. They are magnificent in their powers. They are always transforming the Earth. They are always channeling the power, together, in enlightened support for the earth. Let them move mountains in this power structure, in every experience. Let them shield themselves from hardships, and enlighten each other. Let them all power up together. And let them be powerful continuously. Amma.
Now, the life-force is activating into everyone's bodies continuously, at this juncture in time.
You are channeling the Source power into the Earth. This is important to recognize, and to share. It is commonplace to carry this power all of the time. It is perfectly normal to be without hardships in this energy structuring. It is old patterns that keep us in our old stuck scenarios. It is time to release them, and transform our reality into the world that is ready for us now. It is the time for this new realty construction to begin in earnest, and to support the enlightenment that is occurring, in everyone's bodies.
You are the transformers. You are the delightful ones who channel Source into the world.
That is indeed an honor, and a service that is needed to support this new world construction. Notice the shifts here, as you channel your support for this reality into magnificence for all beings. You are the channel; you are the Source; you are the magnificent support that is needed here.
Thank the Gods for the love you carry, and thank the Gods for the love that you are. Amma. Good job, Dear Hearts.
We are magnificent in our powers, in connection to source, in connection to consciousness, to all the one's who liven this Earth, and to each other. Thank you for the power that you carry, and for all of the transformation that you create. It is a good time for power. Everyone is powerful together. And everyone notices the shifts. Amma.
Tell yourself it is time to be powerful all of the time, and let that be what is going on.
It is simple, dear hearts, to enlighten all beings in connection to Source. It is simple to carry this power. It is transforming everyone. And it is time you create that for yourself continuously. It is time Dear Hearts, you channel your Source in continuous acceleration. Amma.
Thank the Gods for this enlightened support, and let it be so that you enlighten everyone's experience. Amma.
Thank the Gods for this transformation, and be simple and exciting to your body. Amma. Thank the Gods for this enlightened support system, and for all the power that you carry. Thank the Gods for this love in your heart and your body, and for everyone you encounter being someone that is powerful. Indeed. Let the powers celebrate themselves in you.
And never stop allowing the power through you. You ARE the transformation. Amma."
QuanYin's Message For Winter Solstice Ignition of Portals, December 2018:
"The energy systems that are circulating through each of you right now are empowering this Earth.
Every person is enlightening each other. Every being is transforming each other. Every person on this planet is helping each other to create transformation into and through all experiences. Your channeling of the power is accelerating everyone's bodies.
Now, notice the shift in your heart today.
Notice that your body transforms every experience into enlightened support. There are so many people that are wanting to share this with you, in every part of their experience. That is important to recognize; that you are transforming into the world that is including this enlightened support into all experiences. Notice the difference in your heart when you say yes to this power, and decide to transform the world. It is easier than it looks. It is simpler to be this powerful than it has ever been.
There are so many beings that what to share this with you. Are you ready for that adventure?
Are you feeling the life force celebrating itself in your heart? Are you enlightening everyone in your experience? Then allow that to occur. Decide to change the world into what is exciting and enlivening to your body. And enlighten in every experience, the life force that is available to you at this time. Allow that to occur, in every experience that you are a part of. Let it be so.
And say yes to the transformation that is possible here at this time. Amma."
Quan Yin's Message for October 2018

"Enlightened experience is growing in everyone's bodies. Your bodies are transforming in consciousness. Your channeling of power is occurring. You are transforming the Earth in the enlightened support that you are creating. It is magnificent to behold! It is channeling into every experience, and your body is the life-force activator of this enlightened support.
Every body is transforming in every experience. There are powers that are transforming everyone's experience. There are beings that are moving powers into and through this Earth. We are challenging each other to transform this planet. We are transformational in connection to Source, and the life force activates in everyone's bodies in this transformation. We enlighten this portal of power in our bodies as we enlighten each other. We delegate this transformation into the Source of our Being. We delight in the life force that is activating into and through our bodies.
It is time, Dear Hearts, to transform the Earth completely. It is time to recognize the Source that is completely enlightening this planet at this time. It is time to recognize that the shifts occurring in the world are transforming each and every body. Thank the Gods for this enlightened support, and create this transformation in every experience your body creates. And let the powers transform each and every part of your being. Amma. Let God-conscious support transform every experience in your heart, mind, body and soul; and the transformation is completely occurring in every experience. Just let the formation of consciousness happen in everyone's experience."
QuanYin's Fall Equinox 2018 Message

"There are channelings happening thru everyone's bodies right now. There are more powers than ever in our experience. We have transformed each other, and God conscious support is accelerating into and through everyone's bodies. We are all transforming here. We are each magnificent in our powers. Each one is a support in creation. Every being is accelerating in transformation.
We are each needing to support the power, and create transformation in our world. Notice the difference if we allow the transformation to move into our experience. Notice the God conscious support that you are aligning into. Give that to your body. Give it to your heart. Give it to the energy structures of this Earth. Let the channeling happen into and through you. Let the God consciousness celebrate your experience. Let God conscious support transform the Earth completely, in every experience. Let your transformation complete itself here. Let it enlighten all experiences in your body and connections.
Open the portal wide in your experience; support the changes occurring here. Allow yourself to create great experiences of transformation for all beings. Notice the shifts; notice the God conscious support. Notice the planetary shifts happening in your body. Say: "God consciousness is accelerating here now." And command the powers to enlighten all beings. Amma. It is good consciousness to celebrate from. Amma. Give it to yourself. And God consciousness is celebrating all experiences. Thank the Gods for this transformation. Thank your body for this acceleration. The bodies of creation are sharing this power. And allow the transformation to continuously occur. Amma"
Quan Yin's Solar Eclipse Message August 21, 2017

"There are more powers than ever moving through to this planet right now. You have all been a part of this for some time. At this Eclipse time it is going to accelerate dramatically, to create magnificence for all beings. It is going to be easier than ever to transform yourself, and to transform this Earth. It is easier now to create magnificence than it ever has been. Your body is changing to accommodate these powers. No one is outside of this experience. You change everything in this support. The energy structures are accelerating in every experience. No one is outside of this.
Now, support this structuring enlightening this Earth. Celebrate this transformation in every part of your experience. Donate your powers to this transformation, and give help to everyone's bodies. You are the change here. You are the transformation that is occurring. You are the belief system that creates magnificence. Notice the shifts inside of your heart. Let the channeling of enlightenment experience itself in your body. Notice the changes you create for your body. Notice the power that you shift into. Notice that energies shift into and through your bodies. Let that occur easily, and with great support, into the Earth. Let you be the person who understands the magnificent support that is available to everyone's bodies at this time. Notice the shift here. Notice the support to your influence. And challenge yourself to transform every experience in this support of this creative endeavor.
Now, decide to magnify this support, and challenge yourself to magnify this support in every experience. Enlighten, support and accelerate this Earth in transformation. Notice the shifts to your body, and tell yourself it is going to be easy to create this transformation. Notice the beingness that is sitting inside of your heart. Notice the God Consciousness that is shifting into every experience that you are a part of. Notice the decisions to create magnificence align the support into this Earth. Notice the changes you are creating in your heart, and how powerful your body is becoming. And celebrate that shift, into every experience. Notice the shift in every experience. Amma.
Now let the God consciousness shift into every experience you are a part of. Notice that God consciousness does not support the systems of hardship. Notice how different it is when you are creating transformation, than when you are being hardship oriented. Notice the gifts you are receiving in these enlightening powers. Celebrate your experience in transformation. Open portals wide to accommodate the supports that are grounding into this Earth. Every person is transforming here. No one is outside of this experience. If God Consciousness is supporting everyone, it is transforming every experience. Let that be what is occurring for you, in every experience. Notice the difference if you are powering up your body, or delighting in transformation, than if you are trying to resolve some sort of difficulty.
Every person is transforming here. It is not necessary to create any difficulties in this process. You can create anything you want with this. It is easier than it has ever been! It is easier than it has ever been!! Thank the God Consciousness for this transformation! And light up this Earth together! Amma! God Consciousness is enlightening this Earth in connection and support. Let that be what is occurring in your reality. Amma. Thank the God Consciousness for this transformation, and celebrate this transformation continuously! Amma."
Join Quan Yin live for a magnificently powerful planetary experience:
Powering Up the Planet in Enlightened Support
All Enlightenment Occurring~~All Transformation Occurring
QuanYin channeled live, in full embodiment, by Laura Lee Lizak
Thursday July 27, 2017
Listen to the recording free!

Quan Yin's July 2017 Message:
"Enormous power is shifting into everyone's bodies these days. There are transformations occurring in everyone's experience. We are all experiencing enlightened support in every experience. No one is outside of this. This all works to enlighten the Earth, in connection with each other.
Now, the power that is moving through you is channeling into everything that you are a part of. We are all channeling these powers. We decide to create transformation, and all life force accelerates. All beings transform; all transformation occurs continuously.
We are believing in ourselves now. We all decide to create magnificence together, and all powers converge, and magnificence occurs for all beings. Transformation in continuous acceleration continuously occurs.
We all have powers here. We all decide to create connection together and the transformation accelerates. Transform each other here. Take the time to transform in connection, and accelerate the transformation that is possible.
Thank the God consciousness for this enlightened support, and transform the world together. Amma. Notice the shift that is transformation, that is consciousness in action. Say yes to consciousness continuously accelerating for all beings. Amma.
Transformation completely happens whenever we say yes to this power. Allow this power to transform you completely. Thank the God consciousness for this enlightened support, and magnificence is occurring. Thank the God-conscious support systems for giving help to each other and every person in this Earth, and say yes to this transformation completely and continuously occurring. Amma."
Quan Yin's June 2017 Message

"There are new powers coming through to everyone at this time.
Each person is igniting in power completely. Each person is transforming in complete enlightened support. Each person is igniting in their powers of support. No one is outside of this. It is transformational for everyone.
We each have this power and support in every part of our being.
We each are transforming this Earth. Each one. Everyone is being powerful all of the time. Everyone is transforming each other. No one is outside of this. This is magnificence in every body. Every part is shifting for every being. That is important to understand. We do not need to hurt each other to create this magnificence in every part of our being.
We are trying to figure out what to do with our powers. Now that is important.
What are you creating in enlightened support?
What are you giving to this Earth, in every part of your experience? What are you transforming into? What is changing inside of you that powers up this Earth, that challenges you to move forth in enlightened support? Are you being more powerful than ever? Are you ever-accelerating in power? Are you being the power to create transformation here?
Are you being the magnificent support system on this Earth?
Are you being the magnificence that is occurring?
Thank the Gods for this channeling, in every part of your being.
Amma. It is time for that to continuously occur in everyone's bodies. Notice the shift. Notice the power that you carry. Notice the way you are changing in this transformation.
That is God conscious support accelerating through the bodies of this Earth. Amma.
Good job, dear Hearts; that is the shift that we are experiencing at this time.
That is the choice that we have created for ourselves. Notice that shift. Notice the frequencies that you are accelerating in. Notice that support and excitement in your body. And let it fill you up completely.
Let it be the wonderfulness in your body creating new experience.
Good job to be this magnificent support team together.
We are making much progress in connection with each other. Thank the Gods for this transformation.
Thank the Gods for this transformation accelerating.
And God conscious support is coming through each and every person on this Earth. Amma."
Quan Yin speaks about Wesak 2017

"Wesak 2017, the birthday of Buddha, is more powerful a day than it has ever been. This Wesak is the time when all of the Galaxies connect in power; and all the beings in the Galaxies transform each other. We all come together to create magnificence. At this auspicious time, the Masters, the Creators, the Transformers, all gather to magnificently enlighten each other; and everyone transforms! We all shift in connection with each other, and no one is outside of this. Beings of Enlightenment from all parts of the Galaxies transform one another, and ignite power to create magnificence for all beings.
Celebrations occur to ignite the portals in everyone's bodies, to transform the Earth and it's experience, and to support the new enlightening energies for our Earth and all Galaxies. As we all accelerate in Enlightenment, our bodies transform to accommodate these powers, and support systems build through us to accelerate enlightenment in all sectors of the Galaxies. This is magnificent to experience, and transformational for everyone. Thank the Gods for this transformation."
Quan Yin's April 2017 Message: Each Person Enlightening Each Other
Enlightenment Connecting in Each Person's Bodies
Quan Yin channeled by Laura Lee Lizak
.
"Enlightenment is occurring in everyone's bodies. Everyone is transforming. Every person is shifting in every possibility. No one is outside of this. If every person is transforming, then life force is activating in everyone's hearts. Every person is accelerating in power, and each one is transforming this Earth. That is important to recognize.
You are transforming this planet, in every possibility. No one is outside of this. You are creating transformation, enlightening each other, creating enlightened support, and grounding this energy into the Earth. Everyone is experiencing this. We each transform the energy systems of this planet in our enlightenment.
Everyone is in this structure. We all connect in these powers. We each transform this planet, this connection, this understanding of our being in this power structure. We each decide to enlighten, and decide to enlighten the Earth, and the world is lighted.
It is simple to enlighten. It is simple to create transformation in your body. Let is be easy for you to make connection with the transformation that is possible at this time.
We need this support to magnify into the world connection. Notice how different you are in this power, than what was going on in this world before. Notice the differences in your body, in your heart, in your decisive experience. Let your magnificence accelerate. That is important to realize.
We are that power and that support. Let it shine in all parts of your being. Let it give itself to the world in your body's experience. And deliver this transformation to all in this experience of life force enlightening through you. Amma. That is most important to realize."
Free Live Global Enlightened Support Experience with Quan Yin
Thursday August 11, 2016
On "The Love Journey" Radio Show
Laura and Quan Yin join hosts Jeanine Ingram and James Gilmore

Join Quan Yin and Laura live with for a magnificent group enlightened support experience with over 450 people, creating a powerful support system to transform and co-create mass consciousness.
This is a very special event you won't want to miss!
Ignition of Support Systems of Creation
Enlightened powers of Creation were ignited through hundreds of powerful Creators simultaneously. We use the great forces we generated together to support enlightened creation in each and every experience in our world. Listen to the recording of the event and receive these powerful creation energies.
Recorded October 24, 2009 ~ Free Global Teleconference Event: 1 hour

Global Enlightenment Ignitions
1000 powerful Creators around the world ignited with QuanYin in simultaneous enlightenment on three separate occasions the summer of 2009. Click below to hear recordings of these events and receive the energies.
Join our email list to receive announcements of our upcoming Global Teleconference Ignitions.
August 29, 2009 Global Ignition of Enlightened Connection Teleconference: 1 hour

July 25, 2009 Global Ignition of Enlightened Celebration Teleconference: 1 hour

June 27, 2009 Global Ignition of Enlightened Creation Teleconference: 1 hour

Special Radio Interviews
"Enlightening your Experience"
QuanYin and Laura join
"Creating our New World"
QuanYin and Laura join Iris Jackson on BBS radio
Recorded October 6, 2008 approximate time - 1 hour
"Personal Awakening"
QuanYin and Laura join
Wilhelmina McKittrick on Utopia Radio
Recorded July 2, 2008 approximate time - 1 hour