"We are going to have a party of enlightened support, that is going to create transformation for everyone!
This is a channeling of support, that infiltrates the systems of consciousness that are needing enlightened support right now.
There will be energies that move thru to everyone on this Earth, and challenge everyone to experience the life force that is accelerating in everything right now.
Your bodies will change to accelerate this enlightened support.
Your energies circulating will enlighten the powers that are available into the energy systems of the planet.
We are needing to be more accelerating to ourselves these days; this channeling will enlighten your body,
and celebrate the manufacturing of the transformation into support for all beings.
Now let this channeling happen for you, and let this be what is occurring in everyone's bodies."
During this powerful celebration:
45 levels of consciousness will accelerate into everyone participating.
Energy systems will circulate throughout to all beings.
Your body will transform every experience into continuous enlightenment.
Your body will be powerful enough to enlighten all beings.
Your life force will activate to accelerate this transformation into everyone's bodies.
Your life force will activate into everyone's experience.
Everyone enlightens continuously.
Everyone's powers transform.
Your body will support the energy systems of Source channeling thru you.
You will become more powerful than ever in your body
Shifts will happen continuously for all beings.
Your life force will shift everyone's bodies. Amma.
And you celebrate this transformation continuously in your heart!
Join many people from around the globe for this ecstatic experience!
$35 per Person
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Quan Yin's February Message/Activation:

This message is a global service activation from Quan Yin.
She suggests sitting in consciousness as you read, saying YES to each possibility,
and allowing the energies to move thru you into a support system for all beings:
"Let yourself be the transformation that is possible for this Earth.
Let it be that you are the person that enlightens consciousness into everyone's bodies. Let that be the support that you are creating to enlighten this planet continuously. Amma. Give enlightened support out, out, out, to all beings. Then, align that support thru you to create transformation in every experience on this Earth. Amma.
Let it be simple for you to create this transformation. Let it be simple to enlighten.
Let your heart be easy with all of this. And transform everything completely, in every experience, into transformational power structures that enlighten everything. We are that magnificently supportive to our reality transition.
Say yes to that in every experience, and allow that to continuously occur, in all being's experiences. Amma.
Let it all fall into place. Let it simplify. Let it easily occur. And notice the shifts that are aligning into everyone's bodies. We make support align into everyone's hearts, minds, bodies and souls, by saying yes to that possibility. Amma.
Align Source here, in this time. Let it all fall into perfect placement.
Generalize, and simplify, and everything falls into place to create transformation continuously. Say yes to Source transforming everyone's bodies continuously. And say yes to being enlightening continuously, in all experiences.
Notice the shifts you are creating today, in this moment in time.
Notice that you are not needing to worry about things. Let yourself be transformed. Let your body be powerful, and let your instruments of consciousness accelerate all of the time. Simplify. Enlighten. Support. Transform. Accelerate. Amma