Welcome, Dear Heart, to the Quan Yin Creation Center.
Quan Yin (also know as Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin, Kannon, and Bodhisattva of Compassion)
invites you to join in conscious continuous experience of ecstatic physical enlightenment,
and the co-creation of enlightenment en masse.
We are now experiencing unprecedented individual and planetary awakening.
There is a great acceleration in consciousness, and enlightened support systems are developing on a global scale.
We are experiencing the dissolution of disease, trauma, karma, and disruptions;
and the physical enlightenment of all beings.
This is the beginning of a Golden Age for our Earth.
You are very powerful and important in this Planetary transition.
Here at Quan Yin Creation Center, Quan Yin directly offers "enlightened support" for this magnificent transition.
Quan Yin is channeled in full embodiment through Laura Lee Lizak.
We offer group activations, classes and private sessions with Quan Yin.
Experience yourself as a magnificent support for the powers that are moving into this Earth at this time.
During our live teleconferences, many ground these energies in unison all around the world.
Together we physically ignite whatever new frequencies are needed in earth's enlightened support system,
and extend them to all beings.
It is empowering ecstatic fun, and powerful forces of Enlightenment and Creation move through all who participate.
Join us for these exciting experiences!
Laura Lee Lizak is full body channel for Quan Yin,
and the Founding Director of the Quan Yin Creation Center.
Classes and private sessions with Quan Yin are available live by phone or in person, and we offer recordings of events online.
Seminars and travel adventures are also offered.
QuanYin and the Benevolent Forces of Creation design and implement our work.
We are located in Sedona, Arizona; land of magnificent red rock cliffs, powerful energy vortexes,
and a wonderfully enlightening global spiritual community.
Watch us on Youtube Join us on Facebook
Transformation is Available in Every Part of Our Being!
Winter Solstice 12:21:2021
Live with Quan Yin:
Shifting Consciousness in Everyone's Bodies
QuanYin channeled in full embodiment by Laura Lee Lizak
USA Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Tokyo & Europe Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Quan Yin is offering a transformational series of life-force activation
that is a continuous enlightenment to everyone's bodies:
Advanced Lightworker Training with Quan Yin:
Structures of Enlightenment for All Beings
Live with Quan Yin as channeled in full embodiment thru Laura Lee Lizak
Beginning February 21, 2022
16 live weekly sessions with Source and Bodhisattva Quan Yin
Magnificent enlightened support from Quan Yin!
Private Sessions and Retreats with Quan Yin
as channeled through Laura Lee Lizak

Quan Yin Video:
Quan Yin's CoronaVirus Completion Meditation/Activation
A short guided meditation/activation from Quan Yin to fully empower our bodies, to release all trauma, drama, pain and disruption, and for all beings to be in full enlightenment, support, health and vitality.
Quan Yin's Beautiful Chants:
Written and ecstatically sung by Quan Yin through Laura's Lilting Voice.
"Enlightenment with Quan Yin"

Available on CD or as a digital download